Contributors: BIOSTALL, ahebrank, m0n0mind, philmprice
Tags: acf, advanced custom fields, link picker, link chooser, acf link picker
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.2
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Adds an Advanced Custom Field field that allows the selection of a link utilising the WordPress link picker modal dialog
This add on for the already established Advanced Custom Fields plugin adds a new field type called 'Link Picker' which allows the user to enter a URL, or select from the existing pages.
Utilising the existing modal dialog popup from the WYSIWYG, users will already be familiar with how it works.
Note: Advanced Custom Fields must be installed for this add-on to work.
This ACF field type is compatible with:
- ACF 5
- ACF 4
- Copy the
folder into yourwp-content/plugins
folder - Activate the 'Advanced Custom Fields: Link Picker' plugin via the plugins admin page
- Create a new field via ACF and select the Link Picker type
When outputting the link selection on the front end, you will have three object elements available:
- url - The URL of the page
- title - The title of the link, if entered
- target - Will be either a blank string or '_blank', depending on whether the user has ticked the box for the link to open in a new window/tab.
Code example:
$mylink = get_field('mylink');
array(3) {
string(31) ""
string(10) "Link Title"
string(6) "_blank"
- Selecting the 'Link Picker' field type when setting up the field
- No link selected. The user can click 'Insert Link'
- Presented with the standard and familiar popup dialog box
- Once selected the user can see the current link, edit it and remove it
- Translation support from m0n0mind
- Forked by ahebrank and refactored, updated for compatibility with WP 4.2
- Solve bug with repeater fields (credit to Willy Bahuaud
- Solve problem with empty values (credit to Willy Bahuaud
- Initial Release.