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Arcs Cloud Server

Basic Usage

Execute the following commands to start the Arcs cloud server

npm --prefix=.. run server
npm --prefix=.. run server:start

Then activate the usage of the pouchdb server by opening


Server Layout / Configuration

By default the server runs on port 8080. You can override this by passing in the base port like this:

  npm start -- 8000

The server exposes a /db endpoint mapped to an in-memory pouchdb instance. A basic index.html page is provided with links to various functionality.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to customize the server behavior.

  • TARGET_DISK if present enables storage of data on disk.
  • ARCS_USER_ID is the Profile Arc for a specific user to do cloud planning for.
  • STORAGE_KEY_BASE specifies where to store generated cloud planning data. Default is pouchdb://localhost:8080/user

Here's an example of using environment variables:

  env TARGET_DISK=/var/arcs/db ARCS_USER_ID=-LMtek9LSN6eSMg97nXV STORAGE_KEY_BASE= npm start



You will find the node source and tests in the src and test directories. The following are common commands that you will want to use:

  • npm run build builds code, runs tests and then lints.
  • npm test builds code, runs tests and then lints.
  • npm run lint just lints.
  • npm run lint:fix lints and fixes.
  • npm run prettier formats source code.
  • npm run watch starts a server and runs test as you make changes.

For many of these commands you can pass optional arguments. For example you can also pass the --fix argument to lint by executing the following command

  npm run lint -- --fix


Use the DEBUG environment variable to add more debugging output. Use * for all messages or a substring that matches the messages you want to see.

   DEBUG=* npm start