LargeQuoteTwitterBot is, at the moment, 2 python scripts that use the Twitter api, through the library Tweepy which is availiable at here. is a script that, when run, takes a random line from a .txt file and tweets it. If the quote is too big for twitter, it will tweet it in however many tweets necessary, in reverse order as to preserve readability. For example the following quote:
This quote is far too long for a tweet, far too long. The verbose nature of the afformentioned quote renders it unable to conform to the Twitter character limit of 140. Alas, this shall quote shall take up 2 tweets.
Will be tweeted as tweet 1:
Twitter character limit of 140. Alas, this shall quote shall take up 2 tweets.
Tweet 2:
This quote is far too long for a tweet, far too long. The verbose nature of the afformentioned quote renders it unable to conform to the...
Thus, this will appear on the twitter feed as:
This quote is far too long for a tweet, far too long. The verbose nature of the afformentioned quote renders it unable to conform to the...
Twitter character limit of 140. Alas, this shall quote shall take up 2 tweets. is a script that when run with a string argument, will tweet the argument. For example, the command line command:
$ python 'This is a tweet, to be tweeted'
Will tweet:
This is a tweet, to be tweeted
Multi-tweet capabilities for 140+ character string arguments is not yet implemented.
To come soon.
-Better length checking on strings, as bugs currently exist in certain circumstances. -Multi-line capabilities for botSay -Perhaps incorporate botSay into quoteDeck as a parameter passed when running the script.