鞍点, saddle point
背景向量, context vector
变换, transformation
标签, label
步幅, stride
参数, parameter
超参数, hyper-parameter
层序softmax, hierarchical softmax
成本, cost
词向量, embedding vector
池化层, pooling layer
稠密, dense
大小, size
导入, import
迭代周期(周期), epoch
迭代模型参数, update model parameter
丢弃法, dropout
动量法, momentum method
独立同分布, independent and identically distributed(i.i.d.)
端到端, end-to-end
二元分类, binary classification
发散, divergence
泛化, generalization
泛化误差, generalization error
方差, variance
非凸优化, non-convex optimization
分桶, bucketing
分类, classification
分类器, classifier
分词方式, tokenizer/tokenization
负采样, negative sampling
共现词频, n-gram frequency
归一化, normalization
过拟合, underfitting
假设, hypothesis
基准, baseline
激活函数, activation function
解码器, decoder
经验风险最小化, empirical risk minimization
局部最小值, local minimum
卷积核, filter/kernel
卷积神经网络, convolutional neural network
决策边界, decision boundary
均值, mean
均方误差, mean squared error
困惑度, perplexity
类, class
交叉熵, cross-entropy
连续词袋模型, Continous Bag of Words Model (CBOW)
零张量, zero vector/tensor
流水线, pipeline
逻辑回归, logistic regression
模型参数, model parameter
模型复杂度, model complexity
偏差, bias
偏导数, partial derivative
批量, batch
平均池化层, mean pooling layer
欠拟合, overfitting
情感分析, sentiment analysis
全连接层, fully connected layer/dense layer
实例, instance
随机均匀采样, uniform sampling
收敛速度, convergence rate
数值方法, numerical method
数据集, data set
损失函数, loss function
双向循环神经网络, bidirectional recurrent neural network
特征, feature
特征值, eigenvalue
梯度, gradient
梯度裁剪, gradient clipping
填充, padding
跳字模型, skip-gram model
调参, tune parameter
通道, channel
凸优化, convex optimization
未知词符号, unknown token
无偏估计, unbiased estimate
小批量, mini-batch
小批量梯度, mini-batch gradient
线性模型, linear model
线性回归模型, linear regression model
协同过滤, collaborative filtering
学习率, learning rate
训练误差, optimization error
循环神经网络, recurrent neural network
样本, example
一维梯度下降, gradient descent in one dimensional space
隐藏变量, hidden variable
隐藏层, hidden layer
优化器, optimizer
运算符, operator
真实值, ground truth
指标, metric
支持向量机, support vector machine
注意力机制模型, attention model
准确率, accuracy
最小化模型的损失函数, minimize loss function