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Release Engineering - logstash |
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The version patterns for logstash are x.y.z
- In the same x.y release, no backwards-incompatible changes will be made.
- Between x.y.z and x.y.(z+1), deprecations are allowed but should be functional through the next release.
- Any backwards-incompatible changes should be well-documented and, if possible, should include tools to help in migrating.
- It is OK to add features, plugins, etc, in minor releases as long as they do not break existing functionality.
I do not suspect the 'x' (currently 1) will change frequently. It should only change if there are major, backwards-incompatible changes made to logstash, and I'm trying to not make those changes, so logstash should forever be at 1.y,z, right? ;)
- Make sure all tests pass (rake test)
- ruby bin/logstash test
- java -jar logstash-x.y.z-monolithic.jar test
- Update VERSION.rb
- Ensure CHANGELOG is up-to-date
- git tag v$VERSION; git push origin master; git push --tags
- Build binaries
- rake package:gem
- rake package:monolith:jar
- rake docs output=../logstash.github.com/docs/$VERSION
- Note: you will need to use c-ruby for this (ruby 1.8.7, etc)
- You'll need 'bluecloth' rubygem installed.
- cd ../logstash.github.com
- make clean update VERSION=$VERSION
- git add docs/$VERSION docs/latest.html index.html _layouts/*
- git commit -m "version $VERSION docs" && git push origin master
- Publish binaries
- Stage binaries at
- rake publish
- Stage binaries at
- Update #logstash IRC /topic
- Send announcement email to logstash-users@, include relevant download URLs & changelog (see past emails for a template)