-> I've used industry level folder structure. -> You can use this project as a template and can build other projects on the top of this. -> I've used "redux-toolkit" for state management as well as "redux-persist" to store the state into local storage.
- You need Node Js to be installed in your PC.
- Make your own MongoDB cluster by visiting their official website and copy paste the connection url to a new folder i.e .env in the server folder as MONGO_URL="link".
- In that folder only, set a new key-value pair as JWT_SECRET="anything you want" and then PORT=3009.
- Now in the terminal, change directory to client as well as server and type npm install.
- Now in client directory, type "npm run dev" and in server directory, type "node index.js" or "nodemon index.js".
- And you are good to go :)