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Spark Link Module on AMIDST

This module integrates the functionality of the AMIDST toolbox with the Apache Spark platform.

The following functionality is already implemented on the sparklink module:

  • Data Sources integration: Reading and writing data from SparkSQL on AMIDST
  • Distributed Sampling of Bayesian Networks
  • Parametric learning from distributed data (Maximum Likelihood)
  • Support for VMP

## API

This module is designed to interact with the SparkSQL DataFrame API. It makes immediately available all the compatible data sources, namely, CSV, Parquet, JSON...

the DataSparkclass is the entry point for the sparklink API, by transforming a DataFrame object into am AMIDST distributed collection over the Spark cluster.

Notice that this API is interoperable between Java and Scala.

Examples (Scala)

Setting up Spark
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

// Init Spark
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkLink!")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
Reading Data

// Path for your file:
val path = "hdfs://..."
// {format} can be any supported one: parquet, json, csv...
val df ="parquet").load(path);

// Load data into AMIDST, the schema is automatically transformed
val dataSpark : DataSpark = DataSparkLoader.loadSparkDataFrame(df)
Learning a BN

// Asume a structure bn, provided from file or previously built
import eu.amidst.sparklink.core.util.BayesianNetworkSampler
import eu.amidst.sparklink.core.learning.ParallelMaximumLikelihood

// Load a Bayesian Network
val bn = BayesianNetworkLoader.loadFromFile("<path>")

val parameterLearningAlgorithm = new ParallelMaximumLikelihood()
//We fix the DAG structure
//We set the batch size which will be employed to learn the model in parallel
//We set the data which is going to be used for leaning the parameters
//We perform the learning
//And we get the model
val result = parameterLearningAlgorithm.getLearntBayesianNetwork()
Sampling a BN
import eu.amidst.sparklink.core.util.BayesianNetworkSampler

// Load a Bayesian Network
val bn = BayesianNetworkLoader.loadFromFile("<path>")

// Create a local sampler
val sampler = new BayesianNetworkSampler(bn)

// Sample data in parallel:
val nSamples = 1000000 // Number of sampled examples (accross all nodes)
val parallelism = 4 // Number of parallel partitions (cores)
val sampledDataSpark : DataSpark = sampler.sampleToDataSpark(sc, nSamples, parallelism)

// Use the data or write it to a file (any format):

Examples (Java)

TODO very soon...

Building and compatibility

To be Tested! The sparklink module should work with any version of Spark 1.x that includes the DataFrame API, namely 1.3.x or up.

By default the pom file is configured to compile it against the latest stable version of Spark v1.x available.

Development and usage questions

Ask @jacintoArias