With your help we can build a sample app that touches most components of the Android framework, helpful for beginner and experienced. Your pull-requested are appreciated.
Here's what the project touches so far:
- Toolbar
- Drawer following the updated Material Design Guidelines
- Volley (with forced caching option, it caches regardless of server response headers, Memory and Disk)
- Download images with Memory and Disk caching
- Json
- ListView with a custom Adapter
- SwipeToReferesh using SwipeRefreshLayout
- Endless Adapter by overriding OnScrollListener
- Fragments
- Headless Fragment to maintain data on config changed
- Landscape, 7'' and 10'' tablets special layouts
- Custom Views
- Gradle
- Gradle product flavors
- Palette
- Themes
- Styles
- Espresso tests
Your can help with:
- List filter
- Database
- More tests
- Receiver
- Service
- Loader
- CursorAdapter
- ContentProvider
- Material Dialog (like a rate me dialog, https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs)
- Differenet buttons (http://www.google.com/design/spec/components/buttons.html)
- Anything else you think worth adding
- Or email me with what you think should be added
- Your name!
Useful materials (To start developing for native Android or update your knowledge):
- https://developer.android.com/guide/index.html
- http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html
- http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/android.html
- https://github.com/codepath/android_guides/wiki
Developed by: Mostafa Gazar - [email protected]