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Ad Service

The Ad service provides advertisement based on context keys. If no context keys are provided then it returns random ads.

Building Locally

The Ad service requires at least JDK 17 to build and uses gradlew to compile/install/distribute. Gradle wrapper is already part of the source code. To build Ad Service, run:

./gradlew installDist

It will create an executable script src/adservice/build/install/oteldemo/bin/AdService.

To run the Ad Service:

export AD_SERVICE_PORT=8080
export FEATURE_FLAG_GRPC_SERVICE_ADDR=featureflagservice:50053

Upgrading Gradle

If you need to upgrade the version of gradle then run

./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version <new-version>

Building Docker

From the root of opentelemetry-demo, run:

docker build --file ./src/adservice/Dockerfile ./