This project provides widgets for lists of data, including simple sets of scrolling rows, grids of data, on-demand lazy-loaded data, and various plugins for additional functionality. This project also provides touch scrolling for mobile devices with native style momentum, bouncing, and scrollbars.
The dgrid project is available under the same dual BSD/AFLv2 license as the Dojo Toolkit.
dgrid can be installed via CPM using the following command:
cpm install dgrid
Alternatively, dgrid and its dependencies can be downloaded individually:
- xstyle
- put-selector
- The Dojo Toolkit SDK version 1.7
- Out of the DTK components, Dojo core is the only hard dependency for dgrid; however, some of the test pages also use components from Dijit, and Dojox (namely grid for a comparison test, and mobile for a mobile page).
It is recommended to arrange all dependencies as siblings, resulting in a directory structure like the following:
(optional, dependency of some dgrid tests)dojo
(optional, dependency of some dgrid tests)put-selector
(optional, e.g. if pursuing a custom build)
dgrid works best with Dojo 1.7.1 or higher. As of this writing, Dojo 1.7.2 is recommended.
dgrid's primary components fall into the following top-level modules.
This provides the basic facilities for taking an array of objects and rendering as rows
of HTML in a scrollable area. This will automatically include touch scrolling capabilities
(via the TouchScroll
module) on mobile devices.
The List can be used to render an array of data. For example:
require(["dgrid/List"], function(List){
// attach to a DOM element indicated by its ID
var list = new List({}, "list");
// render some data
The base List class (inherited by all other classes) exposes the following methods:
: Returns the value of a given property. Supports custom getter implementations via the pattern_getProperty
(which would map toget("property")
).set(property, value)
: Sets the value of a given property. Supports custom setter implementations via the pattern_setProperty
(which would map toset("property", ...)
: This will look up the requested row and return a Row object. The single parameter may be a DOM event, DOM node, or in the case of store-backed components, a data object or its ID. The returned Row object has the following properties:id
: the data object's iddata
: the data object represented by the rowelement
: the row's DOM element
on(event, listener)
: Basic event listener functionality; simply delegates to the top-level DOM element of the List, using standarddojo/on
behavior.renderArray(array, beforeNode, options)
: This can be called to render an array directly into the list. ThebeforeNode
parameter can be used to render at a specific point in the list. Note that when using store-backed components, this is called automatically.renderRow(item, options)
: This method can be overridden to provide custom rendering logic for rows. (The Grid module, introduced next, actually overrides this method.)removeRow(rowElement, justCleanup)
: This method can be extended/aspected to perform cleanup logic when an individual row is removed.set("sort", property, descending)
: This can be called to sort the List by a given property; if the second parameter is passedtrue
, the sort will be in descending order.get("sort")
can be used to retrieve the current sort options normalized into an array of sort criteria (the format expected by stores'queryOptions
). The Grid and OnDemandList modules further extend this functionality.showHeader
: Whether to display the header area; normallyfalse
for lists andtrue
for grids.showFooter
: Whether to display the footer area;false
by default, but enabled and used by some extensions (e.g. Pagination).
Lists, as well as all other dgrid components, maintain the following DOM references:
: The top-level DOM node of the component (much like thedomNode
property of Dijit widgets).headerNode
: The DOM node representing the header region; mainly applicable to grid components.bodyNode
: The DOM node representing the body region (the area which will show rows for each item).contentNode
: The DOM node immediately under thebodyNode
, which may potentially be scrolled to accommodate more content than the component's height will allow to fit.footerNode
: A DOM node appearing below thebodyNode
; initially empty and not displayed by default.
Grid extends List to provide tabular display of data items, with different fields arranged into columns.
In addition to the List methods outlined above, Grid also exposes the following:
cell(target[, columnId])
: Analogous to therow
method, but at thecell
level instead. Thecell
method can look up based on an event or DOM element, or alternatively, a data item (or ID thereof) and the ID of a column. Returns an object containing the following properties:row
: a Row object (as would be obtained from therow
method) for the row the cell is withincolumn
: the column definition object for the column the cell is withinelement
: the cell's DOM element
: Typically analogous tocell(target).column
, but can alternatively accept a column ID directly.styleColumn(columnId, css)
: Programmatically adds styles to a column, by injecting a rule into a stylesheet in the document. Returns a handle with aremove
function, which can be called to later remove the added style rule.
In the simplest cases, the columns of the grid are defined via the columns
This property can be a hash (object) or array, containing column definition objects.
When columns
is an object, each property's key is used as the id of the column, and
each value is the column definition object. When columns
is an array,
the numeric indices become the column IDs.
For example, we could create a grid like so:
require(["dgrid/Grid"], function(List){
var grid = new Grid({
columns: {
first: {
label: "First Name"
last: {
label: "Last Name"
age: {
get: function(object){
return (new Date().getTime() - object.birthDate.getTime()) / 31536000000;
}, "grid"); // attach to a DOM id
// render some data
The column definition object may have the following properties (all are optional):
: The property from the object in the list to display in the body of the grid (unless otherwise overridden via theget
function, explained below). In cases wherecolumns
is passed an object, the key of each property represents the field name, and thus this property is normally ommitted.label
: The label to show in the header of the grid. Defaults to the value offield
: A CSS class to assign to the cells in the column. If unspecified, a default class name of the formfield-<field>
is used, where<field>
is the value of thefield
: The id of the column; normally this is determined automatically from the keys or indices in thecolumns
object or array.sortable
: Indicates whether or not the grid should allow sorting by values in this field, by clicking on the column's header cell. Defaults totrue
.- Note that it is always possible to programmatically sort a Grid by a given
field by calling
set("sort", property, descending)
regardless ofsortable
status or even visible presence in the Grid altogether.
- Note that it is always possible to programmatically sort a Grid by a given
field by calling
: An optional function that, given a data item, will return the value to render in the cell.formatter(value)
: An optional function that, given the value to be displayed, will return a string of HTML for rendering.renderCell(object, value, node, options)
: An optional function that will be called to render the value into the target cell. It may either operate on the passed node directly, or return a node to be placed within it. (Note: ifformatter
is specified,renderCell
is ignored.)renderHeaderCell(node)
: An optional function that will be called to render the column's header cell. LikerenderCell
, this may either operate on the node directly, or return a node to be placed within it.
Alternatively, a column definition may simply be a string, in which case the value of the string is interpreted as the label of the column. Thus, the simplest column structures can be more succinctly written:
var grid = new Grid({
columns: {
first: "First Name",
last: "Last Name",
}, ...);
The Grid component also supports structures with multiple "sub-rows";
that is, it supports the idea of rendering multiple rows for each data item.
Specification of multiple subrows is very much like specifying columns, except
that one uses the subRows
property instead of columns
, and it receives an
array of columns objects/arrays.
Both the columns
and subRows
properties can be later reset by using the
central set
By default, the Grid renders a header, containing cells which display the
label of each column. This can be disabled by setting showHeader: false
in the arguments object to the Grid; it can also be changed later using
set("showHeader", ...)
dgrid components are designed to be highly CSS-driven for optimal performance and organization,
so visual styling should be controlled through CSS. The Grid creates classes
based on the column ids and field names with the convention of
and field-<field-name>
(If a className
is specified in the column definition, it is used in place of
For example, you could define a grid and CSS for it like so:
.field-age {
width: 80px;
.field-first {
font-weight: bold;
require(["dgrid/Grid"], function(Grid){
var grid = new Grid({
columns: {
age: "Age",
first: "First Name",
}}, ...);
Some developers prefer specifying column layouts in an actual table structure
because it is more convenient or semantically clearer. dgrid supports this
via the GridFromHtml module. When using this module, a table
element should
be specified as the source node for the grid instance; it then scans for th
nodes within rows (typically placed inside the thead
) to determine columns.
Column properties are specified within the th
, primarily via the
attribute, which should contain a JavaScript object.
Properties which coincide with standard HTML attributes can also be specified
as such, e.g. class
, rowspan
, and colspan
. The innerHTML of the th
interpreted as the column's label
by default.
Note that unlike data-dojo-props
, data-dgrid-column
requires that you
include the surrounding curly braces around the object - this allows
alternatively specifying a column plugin instead of just a straight-up object.
(Note, however, that referencing column plugins requires that they be exposed
in the global scope, perhaps under a namespace.)
Examples of creating grids from HTML can be found in the
and complex_columns.html
test pages.
It is also possible to specify columnsets (for the ColumnSet
mixin) via
HTML tables by using the GridWithColumnSetsFromHtml
module. ColumnSets are
expressed in HTML via colgroup
tags. See the complex_columns.html
page for an example of this as well.
Using the parser in Dojo 1.7 with modules designed purely in the AMD format can
be a bit unwieldy, since at this time the parser still expects data-dojo-type
values to reference variables accessible from the global context. While existing
Dojo 1.x components currently continue to expose globals, dgrid does not do so
by default, since it is written purely in AMD format. Thus, when intending to
parse over dgrid components, it is necessary to expose the components via a
global namespace first. For example:
require(["dgrid/GridFromHtml", "dojo/parser", ..., "dojo/domReady!"],
function(GridFromHtml, parser, ...) {
window.dgrid = { GridFromHtml: GridFromHtml };
This can be seen in practice in some of the test pages, such as
and dijit_layout.html
Note that using AMD modules with the Dojo parser should become easier in
Dojo 1.8, which plans to introduce some level of module ID support to the
attribute; see
Dojo ticket #13778.
OnDemandList extends List to provide on-demand lazy loading of data as the user scrolls through the list. This provides a seamless, intuitive interface for viewing large sets of data in scalable manner.
OnDemandList inherits the _StoreMixin module, which implements a basis for
interacting with a Dojo object store
for querying of data. At minimum, this implementation expects a store supporting
the get
, getIdentity
, and query
OnDemandList requires that a store be specified via the store
and will call the query
method on the store to retrieve the data to be rendered.
OnDemandList will call query
with start and count options so as to only retrieve
the necessary objects needed to render the visible rows. As the list or grid is
scrolled, more query
calls will be made to retrieve additional rows,
and previous rows will be pruned from the DOM as they are scrolled well out of view.
When working with a writable store, for best results, the store should
return query results with an observe
method, which enables the list to keep
its display up to date with any changes that occur in the store after the items
are rendered. The dojo/store/Observable
module can prove useful for adding this functionality.
OnDemandList inherits the following properties and methods from _StoreMixin:
: An optional message to be displayed when no results are returned by a query.loadingMessage
: An optional message to be displayed in the loading node which appears when a new page of results is requested.getBeforePut
: if true (the default), anysave
operations will re-fetch the item from the store via aget
call, before applying changes represented by dirty data.query
: An object to be passed when issuing store queries, which may contain filter criteria.queryOptions
: An object to be passed along withquery
when issuing store queries. Note that the standardstart
, andsort
properties are already managed by OnDemandList
: An instance of adojo/store
implementation, from which to fetch data.set("query", query[, queryOptions])
: Specifies a newquery
object (and optionally, alsoqueryOptions
) to be used by the list when issuing queries to the store.set("store", store[, query[, queryOptions]])
: Specifies a new store (and optionally, alsoquery
) for the list to reference.refresh()
: Clears the component and re-requests the initial page of data.renderQuery(query)
: Renders the given query into the list. Called automatically upon refresh.set("sort", property, descending)
: _StoreMixin's version of this defers sorting to the store.updateDirty(id, field, value)
: Updates an entry in the component's dirty data hash, to be persisted to the store on the next call tosave()
: Instructs the list to relay any dirty data back to the store. Returns a promise which resolves when all necessary put operations have completed successfully (even if the store operates synchronously).revert()
: Clears the dirty data hash without updating the store, and refreshes the component.
This module is simply the composition of Grid and OnDemandList. For example:
define(["dgrid/OnDemandGrid"], function(Grid){
grid = new Grid({
store: myStore, // a Dojo object store
columns: [
{label: "Column 1", field: "col1", editable: true, sortable: true},
{label: "Column 2", field: "col2"},
}, "grid");
Mixin modules can be used to add extra functionality to a list or grid.
To use these, simply add the module as a mixin in a dojo.declare
inheritance chain.
For example, to create a grid based on OnDemandGrid with the
Selection and Keyboard handling mixins, we could do the following:
define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/Selection", "dgrid/Keyboard"],
function(declare, OnDemandGrid, Selection, Keyboard){
// create a new Grid constructor including some mixins
var MyGrid = declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, Keyboard]);
// instantiate it
var grid = new MyGrid({
store: myStore,
}, "grid");
You can also perform inline mixin and instantiation:
var grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, Keyboard]))({
store: myStore,
}, "grid");
A synopsis of currently available mixins follows.
The ColumnSet module provides functionality which divides a grid's columns into multiple distinct sets, each of which manage their columns' horizontal scrolling independently. This makes it possible to keep certain columns in view even while others are scrolled out of viewing range.
When mixing in ColumnSet, instead of specifying columns
or subRows
, one
specifies columnSets
, which is essentially an array of subRows
. For example,
in pseudocode:
var grid = new (declare([Grid, ColumnSet]))({
columnSets: [
// left columnset
{ /* columnset 1, subrow 1, column 1 */ },
{ /* columnset 1, subrow 1, column 2 */ }
{ /* columnset 1, subrow 2, column 1 */ },
{ /* columnset 1, subrow 2, column 2 */ }
// right columnset
{ /* columnset 2, subrow 1, column 1 */ },
{ /* columnset 2, subrow 1, column 2 */ }
{ /* columnset 2, subrow 2, column 1 */ },
{ /* columnset 2, subrow 2, column 2 */ }
}, "grid");
More concrete examples can be found in the complex_column.html
test page.
Adds selection capability to a list or grid. The resulting instance(s) will include
a selection
property representing the selected items. This plugin will also
fire batched dgrid-select
and dgrid-deselect
events, which will possess a
property containing an array of Row objects (with id
, data
, and
). For example:
grid = declare([Grid, Selection])({
selectionMode: "single",
grid.on("dgrid-select", function(event){
// get the rows that were just selected
var rows = event.rows;
// ...
// iterate through all currently-selected items
for(var id in grid.selection){
// ...
grid.on("dgrid-deselect", function(event){
// get the rows that were just deselected
var rows = event.rows;
// ...
The following properties and methods are added by the Selection plugin:
: The object containing the IDs of the selected objects.selectionMode
: A string indicating the mode of selection. The following values are acceptable:extended
: The default setting; follows common ctrl and shift key practices for selectionsingle
: Only allows one row to be selected at a timemultiple
: Similar toextended
, but normal clicks add selection without removing previous selectionsnone
: Nothing can be selected by user interaction; only programmatic selection (or selection via selectors) is allowed
: Determines whether calls torefresh
(including sorts) also clear the current selection;true
by default.allowSelectAll
: Determines whether the "select-all" action should be permitted via a checkbox selector column or the Ctrl/Cmd+A keyboard shortcut; defaults tofalse
: Returns a boolean indicating whether the givenrow
should be selectable; designed to be[, toRow])
: Programmatically selects a row or range of rows.deselect(row[, toRow])
: Programmatically deselects a row or range of rows.selectAll()
: Programmatically selects all rows in the component. Note that only rows that have actually been loaded will be represented in theselection
: Programmatically deselects all rows in the component.isSelected(row)
: Returnstrue
if the given row is selected.
The select
, deselect
, and isSelected
methods can be passed any type of
argument acceptable to List's row
The CellSelection plugin extends upon the functionality of the Selection plugin to provide celection at the cell level instead. Some key differences include:
- The
object now stores a hash of hashes, where the outer hash is keyed by item ID and the inner hash is keyed by column ID. - The
events still fire, but include acells
property containing an array of cell objects, rather than arows
property. - Whereas Selection's
, andisSelected
methods look up the passed argument via List'srow
method, CellSelection looks it up via Grid'scell
method. - The
method is passed a cell object instead of a row object.
This mixin adds keyboard handling functionality.
The arrow keys can be used to navigate the focus across cells and rows,
providing accessibility and ease of use. The page up and page down keys
may also be used for faster navigation, traversing the number of rows specified
in the pageSkip
property of the instance.
When used with grids, this mixin references the cellNavigation
property of
the grid instance, to determine whether keyboard navigation and focus should
operate at the individual cell level (true
, the default) or at the row level
Column plugin modules define plugins designed for individual columns of a grid. Each of these modules returns a function (not a constructor); the function is designed to be passed a column definition object (and possibly other arguments), yielding a (modified) column definition object.
For example, to create a column structure where the first column has a tree expander and the second column has a checkbox editor, we could do this:
require(["dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/tree", "dgrid/editor"],
function(Grid, tree, editor){
var grid = new Grid({
store: myHierarchicalStore, // a Dojo object store
columns: [
// first column will have a tree expander:
tree({label: "Name", field: "name"}),
// second column will render with a checkbox:
editor({label: "A CheckBox", field: "bool"}, "checkbox"),
// just a normal column:
{label: "Type", field: "type"},
}, "grid");
A synopsis of currently available column plugins follows.
The editor plugin provides the ability to render editor controls within cells for a column. When used in conjunction with a store-backed grid such as an OnDemandGrid, edited fields are directly correlated with the dirty state of the grid; changes can then be saved back to the store based on edits performed in the grid.
The editor plugin recognizes the following additional properties on the column definition object:
: Either a string or a Dijit widget constructor, specifying what type of standard HTML input or widget to use, respectively.editOn
: A string containing the event (or multiple events, comma-separated) upon which the editor should activate. If unspecified, editors are always displayed in this column's cells.editorArgs
: An object containing input attributes or widget arguments. For HTML inputs, the object will have its key/value pairs applied as node attributes viaput-selector
; for widgets, the object will be passed to the widget constructor.autoSave
: Iftrue
, the grid'ssave
method will be called as soon as a change is detected in an editor in this column. Defaults tofalse
: By default, pressing enter will store the current value in the grid's dirty data hash. This can be undesirable particularly for textarea editors; setting this property tofalse
will disable the behavior.
For convenience, the editor
and editOn
properties may also be specified as
the second and third arguments to the editor
column plugin function.
For example, both of the following would result in an editor which presents a
text field when a cell in the column is double-clicked:
// long version, everything in column def object
editor: "text",
editOn: "dblclick",
/* rest of column definition here... */
// shorthand version, editor and editOn as arguments
editor({ /* rest of column definition here... */ }, "text", "dblclick")
For examples of editor in use, see the various editor
test pages,
as well as the GridFromHtml_editors
test page for declarative examples.
If attempting to trigger an editor on focus (to accommodate
keyboard and mouse), it is highly recommended to use dgrid's custom event,
instead of focus
, to avoid confusion of events. Note
that this requires also mixing the Keyboard module into the Grid constructor.
If touch input is a concern for activating editors, the easiest solution is to
use the click
event, which browsers on touch devices tend to normalize to
fire on taps as well. If a different event is desired for desktop browsers,
it is possible to do something like the following:
["dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/editor", "dojo/has" /*, ... */],
function(Grid, editor, has /*, ... */){
var columns = [
/* ... more columns here ... */
editor({ name: "name", label: "Editable Name" }, "text",
has("touch") ? "click" : "dblclick")
/* ... create grid here ... */
There are also a couple of useful simple gesture implementations available in the
module, namely tap
and dbltap
The tree plugin enables expansion of rows to display children.
It expects to operate on a store-backed grid such as an OnDemandGrid, whose
store is expected to provide a getChildren(object, options)
method to return
the children for each object. Note that for best results, getChildren
return results with an observe
function as well, so that changes to children
can also be reflected as they occur.
The store may also (optionally) provide a mayHaveChildren(object)
which returns a boolean indicating whether or not the row can be expanded.
When the tree plugin is applied to a column, the parent grid is augmented with
an expand(row, expand)
method, which can be used to programmatically expand or
collapse a row, given a row object (from grid.row(target)
) or a dgrid-row
element. The optional second parameter specifies whether the row should be
expanded (true
) or collapsed (false
); if unspecified, the method toggles
the current expanded state of the row.
Used in conjunction with the Selection mixin, the selector plugin dedicates a column to the purpose of rendering a selector component, providing alternate means for selecting and deselecting rows in a grid.
The selector plugin supports the following additional column definition property:
: Specifies the type of selector component to use. Defaults tocheckbox
, butradio
may also be specified, as a more appropriate choice for grids insingle
selection mode.
Alternatively, selectorType
may be specified as the second argument to
the selector
function instead of including it within the column definition.
Note that a selector column can be used to allow selection even in a grid where
is set to none
, in which case the controls in the selector
column will be the only means by which a user may select or deselect rows.
Also note that selector inputs will be disabled for rows for which allowSelect
returns false
The following are additional mixins which dwell outside dgrid's core feature set.
Extensions live in the extensions
subdirectory; their tests and
css/image resources also live under respective test/extensions
The ColumnReorder extension adds the ability to reorder the columns of a grid via drag'n'drop operations on column headers. Note that currently this is only supported for simple column layouts involving a single sub-row and no columnsets.
This extension supports an additional reorderable
property in column definitions;
if explicitly set to false
, that particular column's header node will not be
treated as a viable DnD item.
The ColumnResizer extension can be used to add column resizing functionality (accessible via mouse or touch drag).
The ColumnHider extension adds the ability to dynamically hide or show columns in a grid without the need to fully reset its layout. Note, however, that this is only fully supported for cases of simple, single-row column layouts.
This extension adds a menu accessible from the top right corner of the grid (represented by a "+" mark); it will open on click, presenting checkboxes for each column in the grid. These can be checked or unchecked to show or hide individual columns, respectively.
The ColumnHider module adds support for the following column definition properties:
: Iftrue
, the column in question will be initially hidden, but can be shown by opening the menu and checking its box.unhidable
: Iftrue
, the column in question will not be listed in the menu, denying access to toggle its appearance. This can be particularly useful for a selector column which should always be shown, for example.
In contrast to the OnDemandList and OnDemandGrid modules, the Pagination extension implements classic discrete paging controls. It displays a certain number of results at a given time, and provides a footer area with controls to switch between pages.
Note: the Pagination extension should be mixed into List or Grid, not
one of the OnDemand constructors, since those contain their own virtual scrolling
logic. Internally, Pagination inherits from the same _StoreMixin module
inherited by the OnDemand prototypes for common integration with dojo/store
The Pagination extension exposes the following properties, which can be specified in the arguments object passed to the constructor:
: Number of items to show on a given page. Default:10
: Whether to show arrows which go to the previous/next pages when clicked. Default:true
: Whether to show arrows which jump to the first/last pages when clicked. Default:false
: If a positive number is specified, renders a sequence of page numbers around the current page, and for the first and last pages. The number specified indicates how many "neighbors" of the current page are rendered in each direction. If0
is specified, no page number sequence is rendered. Default:2
: Whether to show a textbox in place of the current page indicator, to allow immediately jumping to a specific page. Default:false
: An optional array specifying choices to present for therowsPerPage
property in a drop-down. If unspecified or empty, no drop-down is displayed.
The DnD plugin can be used to add row drag'n'drop functionality.
The DnD extension assumes usage of a store-backed component, most commonly an OnDemandGrid instance.
The store should be order-aware, supporting the options.before
on add()
and put()
calls to properly respond to DnD operations.
Additionally, if the store supports a copy
method, it will be called for
DnD copy operations within the same list/grid (since a put
would normally
relocate the item).
The DnD extension exposes the following properties, which can be specified in the arguments object passed to the constructor:
: String specifying the type of DnD items to host and accept. Defaults todgrid-row
: Object to be passed as the second argument to the DnD Source constructor. Note that theaccept
DnD parameter is set to matchdndSourceType
by default, but this may be overridden.dndConstructor
: Constructor from which to instantiate the DnD Source for the grid. This defaults to theGridSource
constructor defined and exposed by the DnD module itself. It is recommended to only override this value with a constructor which extendsGridSource
dgrid automatically loads the necessary structural CSS to work properly using
xstyle's css module. However, to make the component far more visually attractive
and interesting, it is common to also apply one of the the included skins.
There are various CSS files under the css/skins
directory which can be used
to skin the dgrid to a particular look and feel.
dgrid's appearance is designed to be styled and customized via CSS.
Many of the classes involved can be discovered by simply looking at elements in
your browser developer tools of choice.
Perhaps the most important classes are the field-<fieldname>
and dgrid-column-<id>
classes assigned to each cell in grids, which allow for per-column styling.
The following class names are used by dgrid and can be referenced from CSS:
: Applied to each dgrid list or grid at the top-level elementdgrid-header
: Applied to the element which contains the header areadgrid-scroller
: Applied to the element responsible for scrolling the data contentdgrid-content
: Applied to the element inside of the scroller area, which holds all the data contentsdgrid-row
: Applied to each row elementdgrid-row-even
: Applied to each even row elementdgrid-row-odd
: Applied to each odd row element Applying a different color to alternating rows can help visually distinguish individual items.dgrid-selected
: Applied to selected rows or cellsdgrid-cell
: Applied to each cell elementdgrid-cell-padding
: Applied to each cell element, or to an inner element within the cell in older versions of non-quirks mode IE to properly apply padding to keep the padding within the box measurements (box-sizing is preferred by the grid).dgrid-focus
: Applied to the element (cell or row) with the focus (for keyboard based navigation)dgrid-expando-icon
: Applied to the expando icon on tree nodesdgrid-header-scroll
: Applied to the node in the top right corner of a Grid, above the vertical scrollbar
The following generic class names are also available for generic skinning (following the jQuery ThemeRoller convention):
: Applied to each dgrid list or grid at the top elementui-widget-header
: Applied to the element that contains the header renderingui-state-default
: Applied to each row elementui-state-active
: Applied to selected rows or cellsui-state-highlight
: Applied to a row for a short time when the contents are change (or it is newly created)
Using dgrid/List
without first loading dgrid.css
will not work when using the
legacy dojo.require
method due to an asynchronously-resolving plugin dependency.
To use dgrid/List
with dojo.require
, make sure you have
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/dgrid.css">
in your <head>
before loading dgrid/List
This also applies for stylesheets loaded by specific mixins (such as dgrid/ColumnSet
or extensions (such as dgrid/extensions/ColumnResizer
Reusing a single column definition object between multiple grids (e.g.
var cols = {}, gridA = new Grid({ columns: cols }), gridB = new Grid({ columns: cols })
is not supported, and will not function properly. Always create a fresh columns
object for every grid you instantiate.