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How to Build a Docker Image

To build a Docker image, use the following command:

docker build -t mygirlgpt .

How to Run MyGirlGPT in RunPod

Assuming you already have a stable diffusion service with API enabled.

To run in RunPod, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new template and fill in the required information, including the template name, container image (use synthintel2/mygirlgpt:latest or your own built image), volume disk (if needed), and exposed HTTP ports (use 7860 for text-generation-webui and 8888 for Jupyter).

  2. Add the required environment variables, including LOAD_MODEL (default value is TehVenom/Pygmalion-Vicuna-1.1-7b), OPENAI_API_KEY, SD_ADDRESS, and BOT_TOKEN.

  3. Optionally, you can add additional environment variables, such as OPENAI_API_BASE and JUPYTER_PASSWORD.

Here's an example of how to fill in the fields when adding a new template:

add runpod template

  1. Start the server by selecting the template and clicking "Continue". Wait for the pod to start up and become ready.

Here's an example of how to start a pod once the template is ready: start pod

Once it's ready, you can start chatting with Cherry.