A Google Apps Script for syncing ICS/ICAL files faster than the current Google Calendar speed
A Twitter bot that announces open Global Entry interview slots.
Todoist via nativefier with todoist-shortcuts and badge count support
Browser extension which adds comprehensive keyboard shortcuts to Todoist, beyond what is offered by Todoist itself
Use Alexa's Smart Home Skill API with standalone IP cameras without needing cloud service.
Simple read-only comand-line interface to your Things 3 database
CALexa is an Amazon Alexa Skill which allows accessing CalDAV Calendars. It makes use of the Flask-Ask Python micro-framework developed by John Wheeler.
📚 C++ and Python solutions with automated tests for Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Edition.
Image augmentation for randomly rotating, shearing, translating and changing lighting conditions.
Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL
A list of recommended prerequisites for Udacity's Self Driving Car Nanodegree
Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization in Python
Open source hardware and software platform to build a small scale self driving car.
Starting files for the Udacity CarND Behavioral Cloning Project
A self-driving car simulator built with Unity
The Nature of Code book (archived repo, see README for new repo / build system!)