ccksyidu4k-ner-albert Public
Forked from Bureaux-Tao/ccksyidu4k-nerALBERT CCKS2019医渡云4k电子病历数据集命名实体识别
Python UpdatedJan 7, 2022 -
BiLSTM-NER-PyTorch Public
Forked from Bureaux-Tao/BiLSTM-NER-PyTorchChinese Named Entity Recognization (BiLSTM with PyTorch)
Python UpdatedDec 23, 2021 -
learn-nlp-with-transformers Public
Forked from datawhalechina/learn-nlp-with-transformerswe want to create a repo to illustrate usage of transformers in chinese
Shell UpdatedDec 2, 2021 -
NLP_pytorch_project Public
Forked from shawroad/NLP_pytorch_projectEmbedding, NMT, Text_Classification, Text_Generation, NER etc.
Python UpdatedNov 16, 2021 -
Siamese-LSTM-for-Semantic-Similarity-PyTorch Public
Forked from mforstenhaeusler/Siamese-LSTM-for-Semantic-Similarity-PyTorchThis repositpory entails an implementation of a Deep Learning Pipeline that can be used to evaulate the semantic similarity of two sentenences using Siamese LSTM Neural Network.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 14, 2021 -
ChineseNER-pytorch Public
Forked from Marilynmontu/ChineseNER-pytorch基于Pytorch的BERT-IDCNN-BILSTM-CRF中文实体识别实现
mrc-for-flat-nested-ner Public
Forked from ShannonAI/mrc-for-flat-nested-nerCode for ACL 2020 paper `A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition`
Python UpdatedSep 22, 2021 -
dice_loss_for_NLP Public
Forked from ShannonAI/dice_loss_for_NLPThe repo contains the code of the ACL2020 paper `Dice Loss for Data-imbalanced NLP Tasks`
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 8, 2021 -
bert-named-entity-recognition Public
Forked from wst24365888/bert-named-entity-recognitionPython UpdatedJun 7, 2021 -
Kashgari Public
Forked from BrikerMan/KashgariKashgari is a production-level NLP Transfer learning framework built on top of tf.keras for text-labeling and text-classification, includes Word2Vec, BERT, and GPT2 Language Embedding.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 5, 2021 -
Pytorch-Lightning-Text-Classification Public
Forked from codemunic/Pytorch-Lightning-Text-ClassificationText Classification using pytorch lightning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 10, 2021 -
Text_select_captcha Public
Forked from MgArcher/Text_select_captchapytorch实现文字点选、选字、选择文字验证码识别
Python UpdatedApr 6, 2021 -
text_classifier Public
Forked from stanleylsx/text_classifier_tf2该项目是使用TextCNN/TextRNN/TextRCNN的文本分类任务,嵌入层可接入Word2Vec,Bert,也可以直接使用词粒度的随机embedding,带有Attention模块,项目基于Tensorflow2.3开发。数据的获取见app_comments_spider爬虫项目。
Python UpdatedMar 24, 2021 -
NER-BiLSTM-CRF-PyTorch Public
Forked from ZubinGou/NER-BiLSTM-CRF-PyTorchPyTorch implementation of BiLSTM-CRF and Bi-LSTM-CNN-CRF models for named entity recognition.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2021 -
Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-PyTorch Public
Forked from shehuan/Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-PyTorchPython Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 17, 2021 -
chatbot_simbert Public
Forked from lidianxiang/chatbot_simbert检索类型的微信聊天机器人/问答系统,通过API异步通信,实现在微信上交互,本项目包括模型和工程化部署一体化。包含查天气,知识图谱聊天查询,生成式问答聊天查询,图片识别,多次重复回答等;涉及到命名实体识别,相似匹配(bm25,bool检索,simbert等),bert+seq2seq生成,neo4j知识图谱查询等技术。
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 7, 2021 -
Macropodus Public
Forked from yongzhuo/Macropodus自然语言处理工具Macropodus,基于Albert+BiLSTM+CRF深度学习网络架构,中文分词,词性标注,命名实体识别,新词发现,关键词,文本摘要,文本相似度,科学计算器,中文数字阿拉伯数字(罗马数字)转换,中文繁简转换,拼音转换。tookit(tool) of NLP,CWS(chinese word segnment),POS(Part-Of-Speech Tagging),NE…
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2020 -
DeepNER Public
Forked from z814081807/DeepNER天池中药说明书实体识别挑战冠军方案;中文命名实体识别;NER; BERT-CRF & BERT-SPAN & BERT-MRC;Pytorch
fancy-nlp Public
Forked from boat-group/fancy-nlpNLP for human. A fast and easy-to-use natural language processing (NLP) toolkit, satisfying your imagination about NLP.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 13, 2020 -
bert_nlu_joint Public
Forked from stanleylsx/bert_nlu_joint一个使用tensorflow2.3开发的基于Bert的意图识别的自然语言理解任务Demo
Python UpdatedOct 25, 2020 -
GraduateDesign Public
Forked from binwei0329/GraduateDesignImplemenetations of BiLSTM-CRF and IDCNN-CRF NER models on Weibo, MSRA and Twitter copora.
Python UpdatedOct 19, 2020 -
entity_extractor_by_ner Public
Forked from stanleylsx/entity_extractor_by_ner基于Tensorflow2.3(tf2)开发的Ner模型,包含Bilstm-CRF和Bert-Bilstm-CRF,用于命名实体识别,配置后可直接运行。
Python UpdatedOct 19, 2020 -
TextClassification-Keras Public
Forked from ShawnyXiao/TextClassification-KerasText classification models implemented in Keras, including: FastText, TextCNN, TextRNN, TextBiRNN, TextAttBiRNN, HAN, RCNN, RCNNVariant, etc.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 25, 2020 -
Flat-Lattice-Transformer Public
Forked from LeeSureman/Flat-Lattice-Transformercode for ACL 2020 paper: FLAT: Chinese NER Using Flat-Lattice Transformer
Python UpdatedSep 25, 2020 -
MachineLearning Public
Forked from NZbryan/MachineLearningmachine learning
Python UpdatedAug 26, 2020 -
TextSim_cn_finetune Public
Forked from Vincent131499/TextSim_cn_finetune微调预训练语言模型(BERT、Roberta、XLBert等),用于计算两个文本之间的相似度(通过句子对分类任务转换),适用于中文文本
Python UpdatedJul 30, 2020 -
XLNet-multilabel Public
Forked from jinghao2eebd/XLNet-multilabel使用XLNet进行文本多标签分类
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 27, 2020