The library for web and native user interfaces.
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
Set up a modern web app by running one command.
Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
A logger for just about everything.
🐦 ⚡ Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects.
An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js
A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
Serverless Examples – A collection of boilerplates and examples of serverless architectures built with the Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Functions, and more.
Kue is a priority job queue backed by redis, built for node.js.
Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use…
A Web UI for Elasticsearch and OpenSearch: Import, browse and edit data with rich filters and query views, create reference search UIs.
🔵 Cerebro is an open-source launcher to improve your productivity and efficiency
fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js