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JavaScript library to read data from Access databases


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MDB Reader

JavaScript library to read data from Access databases.


npm install mdb-reader


yarn add mdb-reader


Node / JavaScript

Access Database versions

  • Access 97 (Jet 3)
  • Access 2000, XP and 2003 (Jet 4)
  • Access 2010 (ACE14)
  • Access 2013 (ACE15)
  • Access 2016 (ACE16)
  • Access 2019 (ACE17)


import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import MDBReader from "mdb-reader";

const buffer = readFileSync("database.mdb");
const reader = new MDBReader(buffer);

reader.getTableNames(); // ['Cats', 'Dogs', 'Cars']

const table = reader.getTable("Cats");
table.getColumnNames(); // ['id', 'name', 'color']
table.getData(); // [{id: 5, name: 'Ashley', color: 'black'}, ...]



class MDBReader {
     * @param buffer Buffer of the database.
    constructor(buffer: Buffer);

     * Buffer of the database.
    readonly buffer: Buffer;

     * @deprecated
    getFormat(): "Jet3" | "Jet4";

     * Date when the database was created
    getCreationDate(): Date | null;

     * Database password
    getPassword(): string | null;

     * Default sort order
    getDefaultSortOrder(): Readonly<SortOrder>;

     * Returns an array of table names.
     * @param normalTables Includes user tables.
     * @param systemTables Includes system tables.
     * @param linkedTables Includes linked tables.
    }?: {
        normalTables: boolean;
        systemTables: boolean;
        linkedTables: boolean;
    }): string[];

     * Returns a table by its name.
     * @param name Name of the table. Case sensitive.
    getTable(name: string): Table;


class Table {

     * Name of the table
    readonly name: string,

     * Number of rows.
    readonly rowCount: number;

     * Number of columns.
    readonly columnCount: number;

     * Returns an ordered array of all column definitions.
    getColumns(): Column[];

     * Returns a column definition by its name.
     * @param name Name of the column. Case sensitive.
    getColumn(name: string): Column;

     * Returns an ordered array of all column names.
    getColumnNames(): string[];

     * Returns data from the table.
     * @param columns Columns to be returned. Defaults to all columns.
     * @param rowOffset Index of the first row to be returned. 0-based. Defaults to 0.
     * @param rowLimit Maximum number of rows to be returned. Defaults to Infinity.
    getData<TRow extends {
        [column in TColumn]: number | string | Buffer | Date | boolean | null;
        TColumn extends string = string;
    }>(options?: {
        columns?: ReadonlyArray<TColumn>;
        rowOffset?: number;
        rowLimit?: number;
    }): TRow[];


interface Column {
     * Name of the table
    name: string;

     * Type of the table
        | "boolean"
        | "byte"
        | "integer"
        | "long"
        | "currency"
        | "float"
        | "double"
        | "datetime"
        | "binary"
        | "text"
        | "ole"
        | "memo"
        | "repid"
        | "numeric"
        | "complex"
        | "bigint"
        | "datetimeextended";
    size: number;

    fixedLength: boolean;
    nullable: boolean;
    autoLong: boolean;
    autoUUID: boolean;

     * Only exists if type = 'numeric'
    precision?: number;

     * Only exists if type = 'numeric'
    scale?: number;

Data Types

The data types returned by Table.getData() depends on the column type. Null values are always returned as null.

Column Type JavaScript Type
boolean boolean
byte number
integer number
long number
currency string
float number
double number
datetime Date
binary Buffer
text string
ole Buffer
memo string
repid string
numeric string
complex number
bigint Not supported. Coming in mdb-reader v2.
datetimeextended Not supported. Coming in mdb-reader v2.



To build the library, first install the dependencies, then run npm run build for a single build or npm run watch for automatic rebuilds.

npm install
npm run build


To run the tests, first install the dependencies, then run npm test. Watch mode can be started with npm test -- --watch.

npm install
npm test


MDB Tool


Set of applications to read and write Access files, written in C. Main source of knowledge about the file structure and algorithms to extract data from it.



Java library to read and write Access files. It inspired the interface of this library. The databases used for testing are copied from the repository.

The unofficial MDB Guide

Tech Specs for the JET format used by Access 1997-2010
