A simple Kotlin wrapper around Anvil.
The only purpose of this library is to provide type safety to Anvil through Kotlin. Nothing more, nothing less. Enjoy! :)
Add the JitPack repo to your root build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
The possible library strings are:
dependencies {
// Remember, you still need to set up the equivalent Anvil ones!
// SDK libraries
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:anvil:0.3.0:sdk15Release@aar'
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:anvil:0.3.0:sdk19Release@aar'
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:anvil:0.3.0:sdk21Release@aar'
// Support libraries
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:cardview:0.3.0@aar'
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:gridlayout:0.3.0@aar'
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:recyclerview:0.3.0@aar'
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:support:0.3.0@aar'
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:design:0.3.0@aar'
compile 'com.github.graknol.AnvilKotlin:appcompat:0.3.0@aar'
Use the functions from each library (these are found in graknol.anvil.kotlin
) to create views and then use the functions on this
, for instance:
val fooContent: Anvil.Renderable.() -> Unit = {
coordinatorLayout {
appBarLayout {
toolbar {
size(MATCH, dip(48))
// Just to demonstrate that you can indeed style views by a lambda (think, theme classes with functions like this in it).
val styleNavDrawer: AppCompatDSLListViewCompat.() -> Unit = {
class ExampleView(c: Context) : RenderableView(c) {
fun view() {
linearLayout {
appCompatButton {
text("click me!")
onClick(View.OnClickListener {
drawerLayout {
fooContent() // Look at the top of this snippet
listViewCompat {
size(dip(240), MATCH)
// Without `this@drawerLayout`, Kotlin thinks we're calling `listViewCompat.layoutParams`, we're working on a fix.
// **NOTE:** On non-ViewGroup classes (e.g. buttons) it works as expected (without having to type this@...).
this@drawerLayout.layoutParams {
gravity = START
styleNavDrawer() // Look at the top of this snippet
The reason for the "seemingly redundant" typing of OnClickListener
above, is simply that Kotlin does not automatically convert Kotlin parameters to SAM functions, and there are too many functions in the different library for me to patch every single one of them. Also, some listeners have multiple functions, so you'll end up writing those this way anyways. ;)
NOTE: You may or may not need to write View.OnClickListener instead of just OnClickListener. I don't know if it's a bug with Kotlin or with Android Studio, but nonetheless nice to know about.
We're working hard on solving this problem and will probably have to restructure big parts of Anvil and AnvilKotlin, but in the meantime, this is how it works.
Code is distributed under the MIT license, feel free to use it in your proprietary projects as well.