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187 lines (135 loc) · 6.06 KB

Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo

Matteo Poggi*, Andrea Conti*, Stefano Mattoccia *joint first authorship

[arxiv] [project page]

This is the official source code of Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems


  title={Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo},
  author={Poggi, Matteo and Conti, Andrea and Mattoccia, Stefano},
  booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},


Install the dependencies using Conda or Mamba:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate guided-mvs

Download the dataset(s)

Download the used datasets:

And organize them as follows under the data folder (sym-links works fine):

|-- train_data
    |-- Cameras_1
    |-- Depths_raw
    |-- Rectified
|-- test_data
    |-- scan1 
    |-- scan2
    |-- ..

|-- <scan hash name>
    |-- blended_images
    |-- cams 
    |-- rendered_depth_maps
|-- ..

[Optional] Test everything is fine

This project implements some tests to preliminarily check everything is fine. Tests are grouped by different tags.

# tages:
# - data: tests related to the datasets
# - dtu: tests related to the DTU dataset
# - blended_mvs: tests related to blended MVS
# - blended_mvg: tests related to blended MVG
# - train: tests to launch all networks in fast dev run mode (1 batch of train val for each network for each dataset)
# - slow: tests slow to be executed


# runs all tests
$ pytest

# runs tests excluding slow ones
$ pytest -m "not slow"

# runs tests only on dtu
$ pytest -m dtu

# runs tests on data except for dtu ones
$ pytest -m "data and not dtu"


To train a model, edit params.yaml specifying the model to be trained among the following:

The dataset between dtu_yao, blended_mvs, blended_mvg and the other training parameters, then hit:

# python3 --help to see the options
$ python3

The best model is stored in output folder as model.ckpt along with a meta folder containing useful informations about the training executed.

Resume a training

If something bad happens or if you stop the training process using a keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C) the checkpoints will not be deleted and you can resume the training with the following option:

# resume the last checkpoint saved in output/ckpts (last epoch)
$ python3 --resume-from-checkpoint

# resume a choosen checkpoint elsewere
$ python3 --resume-from-checkpoint my_checkpoint.ckpt

It takes care to properly update the correct training logs on tensorboard.


Once you have trained the model you can evaluate it using, here you have few options, specifically:

  • the dataset on which test
  • if evaluate using guided hints, guided_integral hints or none
  • the hints density to be used
  • the number of views
# see the options
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--dataset {dtu_yao,blended_mvs,blended_mvg}]
               [--hints {not_guided,guided,guided_integral}]
               [--hints-density HINTS_DENSITY] [--views VIEWS]
               [--loadckpt LOADCKPT] [--limit-scans LIMIT_SCANS]
               [--skip-steps {1,2,3} [{1,2,3} ...]] [--save-scans-output]

# without guided hints on dtu_yao, 3 views
$ python3

# with guided hints and 5 views and density of 0.01
$ python3 --hints guided --views 5

# with integral guided hints 3 views and 0.03 density
$ python3 --hints guided_integral --hints-density 0.03

Results will be stored under output/eval_<dataset>/[guided|not_guided|guided_integral]-[density=<hints-density>]-views=<views>, for instance guiding on DTU with a 0.01 density and using 3 views the results will be in:

  • output/eval_dtu_yao/guided-density=0.01-views=3/

Each of these folders will contain the point cloud for each testing scene and a metrics.json file containing the final metrics, they will differ depending on the dataset used for evaluation.



To develop you have to create a conda virtual environment and also install git hooks:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate guided-MVS
$ pre-commit install

When you will commit Black and Isort will be executed on the modified files.

VSCode specific settings

If you use Visual Studio Code its configuration and needed extensions are stored in .vscode. Create a file in the root folder called .guided-mvs.code-workspace containing the following to load the conda environment properly:

    "folders": [
            "path": "."
    "settings": {
        "python.pythonPath": "<path to your python executable (see in conda)>"