Emacs Version tested: 24.3.1 (stable) & (dev branch)
Clone my repo
git clone https://github.com/map7/emacs-config.git ~/.emacs.d
Run installation script
cd ~/.emacs.d ./install
Install my sub modules
git submodule init
Based upon Cask & Pallet.
Install cask
curl -fsSkL https://raw.github.com/cask/cask/master/go | python
Add path to your ~/.zshenv or ~/.bashrc file
# Add Cask to the path export PATH="$HOME/.cask/bin:$PATH"
Run cask which will install the pallet package management tool
cd ~/.emacs.d cask install
Optional - Initialise your cask file from within emacs
M-x pallet-init
Copy the xinitrc.sample
cp xinitrc.sample ~/.xinitrc
Link it to .xsession to work with a desktop manager like lightdm as the default session.
ln -s ~/.xinitrc ~/.xsession
To autostart things like dropbox or spideroak you need to put them into a file called ~/.emacs.autostart.el and this will automatically load.
Here is an example of starting dropbox & spideroak
;; Autostart Dropbox (call-process-shell-command "(sleep 10s && ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd) &" nil 0) (call-process-shell-command "(sleep 10s && SpiderOakONE) &" nil 0)
Create a ~/.emacs.randr.el file and put the following
(setq exwm-randr-workspace-output-plist '(0 "LVDS1" 1 "LVDS1" 2 "DP2")) (add-hook 'exwm-randr-screen-change-hook (lambda () (start-process-shell-command "xrandr" nil "xrandr --output DP2 --right-of LVDS1 --output DP2 --mode 1920x1080"))) (exwm-randr-enable)
Remember to change the LVDS1 & DP2 to your screens which you can find out by typing in xrandr at the command line and looking for the active screens.
ag - Compile the silver searcher, first check if you already have the ‘ag’ command
flyspell - install ‘ispell’
If you want to use the paradox package list instead of the normal boring listing then you have to make a file ~/.emacs.paradox.el and add the following
(setq paradox-github-token TOKEN)
Where TOKEN is your github token.
For ruby mode I use enh-ruby-mode, which is just a symlink of ruby-mode snippets. I’ve also added all the rails snippets to this as well.
Add the following to your crontab
# Export all my timesheets to a csv file 00 5 * * * map7 /usr/bin/emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el -eval "(org-clock-csv-batch (org-agenda-files nil t))" > /home/map7/timesheets.csv
Try to invalidate the project cache, first sit in a file within a project dir
C-c p i
- sunshine - weather
- symon - system monitor, replaces gkrellm
- ox-reveal - reveal.js presentation tool