the idea is that no transform on a heard phrase should be allowed if the sum of its
substitution costs exceed some value (currently 1.0). the makeGrammar.mts script generates json
arrays defining word grammars (tokens, substitution rules, etc) at grammar/<type-lang>.json.
these are built from the inputs in ./lexicon/*.json and hopefully a crowdv.json
crowdv.jsons are kept in the lifat repo due to their size, they'll be downloaded as
needed by makeGrammar
the lexicon folder contains <grammar>-lex.jsons and optional <grammar>-patch.jsons (where
manual substitutions can be defined). patch entries should only be applied to
vocabulary words that lack a sufficient sample in the crowdv data.
./pnpm build --freq=.002 \ # default values given explicitly here
--count=6 \
moves-en # give the lexicon/patch prefixes to build as standard arguments
{freq} is the minimum frequency of a valid substitution. frequency is calculated as the
number of input phrases corrected by the substitution divided by the total number of
occurrences of the token the substitution operates on.
{count} is minimum occurrences of a substitution in the input data
{in} is a crowdv json resolved in the following manner:
- as a local file either absolute or relative to ui/voice/crowdv/
- as a https url
- otherwise, downloaded from
grammar - a list of entries for input words recognized by kaldi
entry - a single entry in the grammar contains the input word (sometimes more than one), a
token representation, a value code, classification tags, and a substitution list
word - a unit of recognition corresponding to the "in" field of a single grammar entry.
a word can also be a phrase that is treated as a single unit. for example - "long castle",
"queen side castle".
phrase - one or more words separated by spaces
tok - short for token, a single char uniquely representing the kaldi-recognizable characteristics
of an input word.
val - the value of a token/word in terms that move & command processing logic understands.
mappings from token/words to vals are not bijective - the input words 'captures' and 'takes'
have the same value but not the same token.
toks - a phrase tokenized as a string with no spaces or separators
vals - a phrase as vals separated by commas
htoks - a heard phrase as token string, may contain errors or ambiguities
hvals - a heard phrase in the val space (i.e. comma separated vals)
xtoks - an exact phrase in the token space
xvals - an exact phrase in the val space
in voice.move.ts, class lookup methods for lexicon entry fields take the form <fromTo> where <from>
is the input field and <to> is the output. for example: tokWord fetches the input word corresponding
to a token, and wordTok fetches the token corresponding to an input word
for any variable prefixed with x or h, x means exact and h means heard. another way to think of it
is: x is what we try to map h to when performing substitutions.
* ./makeGrammar.mts
* ./src/move/voice.move.ts