Team Ralon
- Maryland
- http://teamralon.com
- in/andrewralon
PowerShell examples for articles published on https://office365itpros.com and https://practical365.com. See https://o365itpros.gumroad.com/l/M365PS for the Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell …
Microsoft PowerShell wrapper for GitHub API
PowerShell module for simple Slack integration
A PowerShell Watch-Command cmdlet for repeatedly running a command or block of code until a change in the output occurs.
Easy way to add and remove Windows hosts file entries
Windows Version of the powerful tool kubectx – [✩Star] if you're using it!
Windows Version of the powerful tool kubens – [✩Star] if you're using it!
Get folder sizes blazingly fast with PowerShell
🔒 Keybase-Mail.ps1 is a basic wrapper for the windows command-line version of keybase.io
PowerShell script to migrate source code across TFS collections
PowerShell and CMD (batch) scripts from my own collection; Works well with the "keycuts" app (in its own repo); I use many of these daily. Ideas? Let me know!