tinyfpga_bx_devbrd Public
Play and learn with the TinyFPGA development board featuring a Lattice iCE40 LP8K FPGA with a very compact footprint.
crappy_max_ii_devbrd Public
Play and learn some valuable lessons with a generic Ebay/China CPLD board featuring an Altera/Intel MAX II CPLD. The hardware is pretty crappy (just mine?) so it won't be much fun.
pacoblaze Public
Github mirror of the PacoBlaze synthesizable microprocessor, an improved clone of Xilinx' PicoBlaze.
tang_primer_devbrd Public
Play and learn with the Sipeed Tang PriMER development board featuring an Anlogic EG4S20 FPGA.
spartan3e_starter_devbrd Public
Play and learn with the Digilent Spartan3E-Starter board featuring a Xilinx Spartan-3E XC3S500E FPGA and various peripherals.
stm32_nano_devbrd Public
Play and learn with a generic China/Ebay STM32 Arduino Nano clone featuring a STM32F103C8T6 with ARM Cortex M3 core.
MIT License UpdatedSep 6, 2019 -
de0_atlas_soc_devbrd Public
Play and learn with the Terasic DE0-Atlas/Nano-SoC Kit featuring a Altera/Intel Cyclone V 5CSEMA4U23C6N FPGA with integrated dual-core ARM Cortex-A9.
Verilog MIT License UpdatedSep 6, 2019 -
arduino_uno_r3_devbrd Public
Play and learn with the Arduino Uno R3 board featuring an ATMEGA328P MCU.
MIT License UpdatedSep 6, 2019 -
esp8266mod_devbrd Public
Play and learn with the AI-Thinker ESP8266MOD board featuring an Espressif ESP8266 wi-fi chip.
MIT License UpdatedSep 6, 2019 -
vtclutls Public
Utility procs for Tcl specific to Xilinx Vivado
synthdrome Public
Synthdrome estimates resource consumption and packing density for various FPGA architectures
VHDL UpdatedAug 30, 2019 -
lattice-diamond-makefile Public
A simple Makefile for Lattice Diamond / Synplify.
raspi_scripts Public
Scripts for setting up and handling Raspberry Pis.
easysim Public
VHDL package with procedures to perform simple AXI read and write transactions during simulation.
1 UpdatedSep 19, 2018 -
qflow-1.2_examples Public
Examples for the open source digital synthesis flow Qflow 1.2.