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Execute Time

This extension displays when the last execution of a code cell occurred, and how long it took.

Every executed code cell is extended with a new area, attached at the bottom of the input area, that displays the time at which the user sent the cell to the kernel for execution. When the kernel finishes executing the cell, the area is updated with the duration of the execution. The timing information is stored in the cell metadata, and restored on notebook load.

Toggling display

The timing area can be hidden by double clicking on it, or using the Cell -> Toggle timings -> Selected menu item. The menu item Cell -> Toggle timings -> All hides (shows) all the timing areas in the notebook, if the first cell is currently shown (hidden).


For a reason I don't understand, when multiple cells are queued for execution, the kernel doesn't send a reply immediately after finishing executing each cell. Some replies are delayed, and sent at the same time as later replies, meaning that the output of a cell can be updated with its finished value, before the notebook recieves the kernel execution reply. For the same reason, you can see this in the fact that the star for an executing cell can remain next to two cells at once, if several are queued to execute together. Since this extension uses the times in the kernel message (see internals, below), and these remain correct, the timings displayed are still accurate, but they may get displayed later due to this kernel issue.


Install the master version of the jupyter_contrib_nbextensions repository as explained in the docs at

Then you can use the jupyter_nbextensions_configurator to enable/disable this extension for all notebooks.


The execution start and end times are stored in the cell metadata as ISO8601 strings, for example:

	"ExecuteTime": {
    	"start_time": "2016-02-11T18:51:18.536796",
    	"end_time": "2016-02-11T18:51:35.806119"

The times in the timing areas are formatted using the moment.js library (already included as part of Jupyter), but the durations use a custom formatting function, as I (@jcb91) couldn't find an existing one that I liked.

The event execute.CodeCell is caught in order to create a start time, and add the timing area with its 'Execution queued at' message. The extension again uses moment.js for formatting this as an ISO string time.

To determine the execution time, the extension patches the Jupyter class prototype CodeCell.prototype.get_callbacks from notebook/js/codecell.js. This patch then patches the function returned by the original CodeCell.prototype.get_callbacks, wrapping it in a function which reads the value from the kernel message, to provide the execution end time. This is more accurate than creating a new time, which can be affected by client-side variability. In addition, for accurate timings, the start time is also revised using the msg.metadata.started value supplied in the callback, which can be very different from the time the cell was queued for execution (as a result of other cells already being executed). The kernel reply message times are already ISO8601 strings, so no conversion is necessary, although again, moment.js is used for parsing and diff'ing them.