A free API where you can get various products from different categories and different price range
Typescript - Node - Express
Root url : https://products.cyclic.app/
A success variable denoting the success or failure (boolean value, true or false)
Message (string value)
Endpoints | Description |
/api/v1/product/{id} | responds with a product to the corresponding id (throws 404 error if the url is invalid or the product is not found) |
/api/v1/product/all | responds with all the products available in the database (throws 404 error if the url is invalid or there are no products in the database) |
Query | Description |
type | responds with the corresponding type of products |
lte | Products with price lesser and equal to the specified value |
gte | Products with price greater and equal to the specified value |
page | Products at specified page number |
Note - Each page contains 10 products
=> Returns all the keyboard type products
=> Returns all the products with price greater than equal to 1000 and lesser than equal to 25000
=> Returns all the products at page number 2
=> Returns the product with the corresponding id
Download the zipped directory of this project by clicking on the green button above or clone it to your machine using the following command
git clone https://github.com/angkushsahu/products-api.git
After installing the project, go to the root directory of this project and hit the commands below
npm i
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