Installs Docker on a version higher than Ubuntu 12.04. This role differs from other roles in that it specifically follows installation instructions for each Ubuntu version, 12.04 or 13.04+.
Please see this playbook for an example of how to utilize this role.
This is an example playbook in which I call two playbooks to launch and display information about a Rackspace Cloud server, on top of which I use the docker_ubuntu role to install Docker.
# Install to an instance running Ubuntu 12.04
- include: rax-servers.yml
image: "ubuntu-1204-lts-precise-pangolin"
- name: Install pycurl
hosts: docker
gather_facts: no
- name: Install pycurl
apt: pkg=python-pycurl update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=600
- name: Install Docker on Rax Server
hosts: docker
- angstwad.docker_ubuntu
- include: rax-servers-info.yml
Requires python-pycurl for apt modules.
These are the defaults, which can be set to present to prevent a reboot if the latest linux-image-extra, cgroup-lite packages are already installed The following role variables are defined:
# Set to present to prevent a reboot if the latest linux-image-extra is already installed
kernel_pkg_state: latest
# Set to present to prevent a reboot if the latest cgroup-lite is already installed
cgroup_lite_pkg_state: latest
# Set to the port that ssh is running on
ssh_port: 22
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