This is cli to create boiler plate for npm package project.
$ generate-npm-package
Options | Default | Description |
project name | create-npm-package | npm package name or project name |
semacntic releease | false or No | add semantic denpendencies |
travis setup | false or No | config travis setup .travis.yml |
install dependencies | false or No | install project dependencies after creating project |
npm install -g semantic-release-cli
cd your-module
semantic-release-cli setup
Travis CI Setup
File/Folder | Descriptions |
project/index.js | entry file while creating npm module. |
src/lib/index.js | main file that you want to publish in npm. |
src/lib/index.spec.js | test file for above file. |
styles/ | folder for styles if you are creating UI npm module. |
test/index.js | for testing build files after build. |
.travis.yml | for Travis CI |
Run project ( will start project with watch-bootstrap and watch-custom )
npm start
Run Test ( will run test for src/lib/index.spec.js )
npm run test
Build ( will bundle the src/lib/index.js to /build folder )
npm run build
Test Build ( will test the build module /build/index.js )
npm run test-build
cd your-module
npm installl
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git_repository_link"
npm publish - Using Semanctic Release
npm install -g commitizen
npm run commit
git push
npm publish - without Semantic Release LInk
npm build
npm login
npm publish