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Android based library that allows you to download or play audio and video from Youtube, in other words - youtube-dl for android


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YoutubeJExtractor for Android! Android CI

YoutubeJExtractor is Android extractor library that allows you to extract video and audio from any youtube video along with some other data such as a video title, description, author, thumbnails and others.

This library was initially created for my android app Youtube audio player


  1. Extracts video and audio streams from Youtube videos. Supports both adaptive and muxed streams.
  2. Extracts various video data like title, description, view count, channel id, etc.
  3. Supports age restricted videos.
  4. Supports videos with restricted embedding.
  5. Supports regon restricted videos (through a proxy).
  6. Supports HLS and DASH live streams.

How to install

What's new?


  1. Code updated to match latest youtube changes
  2. Improved age restricted videos detection


Muxed streams are now supported! Thanks to @comptoost for enchancement request


  1. Possibility to use YoutubeJExtractor with custom OkHttpClient instance via the following one argument constructor - YoutubeJExtractor(OkHttpClient client). It could be usefull for region restricted video (via creating OkHttpClient instance with proxy).
  2. Implemented RequestExecutor class with executeWithRetry(...) method - now every http call will be executed up to 3 times before YoutubeRequestException throw, it will increase stability.

How to use

    YoutubeJExtractor youtubeJExtractor = new YoutubeJExtractor();
    YoutubeVideoData videoData;
    try {
        videoData = youtubeJExtractor.extract(videoId);
    catch (ExtractionException e) {
        // Something really bad happened, nothing we can do except just show some error notification to the user 
    catch (YoutubeRequestException e) {
        // Possibly there are some connection problems, ask user to check the internet connection and then retry 

YoutubeVideoData is an object that contains data for the requested video split across two main objects: VideoDetails and StreamingData.

  • VideoDetails contains various video data such as title, description, author, rating, view count, etc.
  • StreamingData contains two fields with the lists of adaptive streams (video and audio), *muxedStreams contains as the name implies muxed streams (streams that contain both audio and video) dashManifestUrl and hlsManifestUrl fields which are contains links to the DASH and HLS manifests (if you dealing with a live stream) and expiresInSeconds which indicates how long links will be alive.

To get all the video streams:

    List<AdaptiveVideoStream> videoStreamsList = videoData.getStreamingData().getAdaptiveVideoStreams()

Each StreamItem object contains fields that describe the stream such as:

  • it's extension (like mp4, ogg, etc),
  • codec, bitrate, url and many others.

Check AdaptiveVideoStream.class and AdaptiveAudioStream.class for the details.


Tested on API 19+.


Youtube-dl - the idea and implementation were influenced by Youtube-dl


Distributed under the GPL v2 License. See for terms and conditions.