Truecaller Name Retriever.
Since my request for the API was rejected, I commenced using python parsing libraries.
Callerpy emulates the process one would encounter if using a web-browser.
LAST EDIT 28/11/2013
CallerPy v0.2 - TODO
* [IMP] Important Changes
* [ASTH] Aesthetic Implementations
* [FIX] Fixes to Currant Version
* [IMPV] Improvments
1. [IMPV] More Login Methods--Facebook, G+, Linkedin
2. [IMP] Automated Name|Number Crawler
3. [ASTH] View in Map * Will handle encoding
4. [IMP] Show all possible names
5. [IMPV] Add API feature; ability to utilise CallerPy from other applications
6. [IMP] Define function to handle arguments
7. [IMP] Add xml parsing
python -h
usage: [-h] -n number [-c country] [-cc country code] -l login
TrueCaller Name Retriever
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n number, --number number
Phone Number Without Country Code (default: None)
-c country, --country country
Country | String (default: None)
-cc country code, --countrycode country code
Country | Int (default: None)
-l login, --login login
Login Method | twitter, g+, fb (default: twitter)
Do not forget to hardcode your credentials
python callerpypy -n 7349303030 -c us -l twitter
python callerpypy -n 7349303030 -c 1 -l twitter
<name>Dominos Pizzay Quejas</name>
<name>Pizza Hut Delivery</name>
Note: you should enclose the xml by adding a tag
<name>Dominos Pizzay Quejas</name>
<name>Pizza Hut Delivery</name>