This code is part of the paper arxiv . It consists of three parts:
Code to generate Multi-structure region of interest (MSROI) (This uses CNN model. A pretrained model has been provided)
Code to use MSROI map to semantically compress image as JPEG
Code to train a CNN model (to be used by 1)
- Tensorflow
- Python PIL
- Python Skimage
- Imagemagick (for faster image operations)
- VQMT (for obtaining metrics to compare images)
python <image_file>
Generates Map and overlay file inside 'output' directory.
If you get this error
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Unsuccessful TensorSliceReader constructor:
Failed to get matching files on models/model-50: Not found: models
It means you have not downloaded the model file or it is not accesible. Code assumes a model files inside models
Model has been uploaded to Github, but if it does not download due to GH's restriction you may download it from here
python -image <image_file> -map <map_file>
Map file is the file generated by aforementioned step. Default name for map is output/msroi_map.jpg
There are several other command line options. Please check the code for the more details.
IMPORTANT: Current default setting has threshold of 20%, i.e the compressed filesize is allowed to be 20% more than the standard JPEG. This is done so that difference in 'semantic object' compression can be visually examined. For fair comparison use '-threshold_pct 1'.
To train your model, you will need class labelled training examples, like CIFAR, Caltech or Imagenet. There is no need for 'localization' ground truth.
- Generate the data pickles
Make sure that self.images point to the directory containing images.
It is not required to use pretrained VGG weights, but if you do training will be faster. You may download pretrained weights referred in Params file as vgg_weights from here.
Use to train the model. Models will be saved in 'models' directory after every 10 epoch. All the parematers and hyper-paramter can be adjusted at
- Use the '-print_metrics' command while calling ''. This will print the metrics on STDOUT with this format --
- Pass the file which contains one line of metrics (as shown above) to the file ''. This will print various stats, and also plot the graphs as shown in the paper.
Only our model identifies the face of the boy on the right as well the hands of both children at the bottom.
- Find all semantic regions in an image in a single pass
- Train without the localization data
- Maximize the number of objects detected (maybe all?)
- Need not be precise
- It is used for image compression because we need less precision but more generic information about the content of the image
Not an object detector. For that checkout-
Not a weakly labelled class detector or Class activation Map. For that checkout -
Not saliency map or guided backprop. For that checkout -
Not Semantic segmentation. For that checkout -
Tensorflow 3D convolutions for class invariant features
Multi-label nn.softmax instead of nn.sparse (non-exclusive classes)
Argsort and not argmax to obtain top-k class information
Is the final image really a standard JPEG?
Yes, the final image is a standard JPEG as it is encoded using standard JPEG.
But how can you improve JPEG using JPEG ?
Standard JPEG uses a image level Quantization scaling Q. However, not all parts of the image be compressed at same level. Our method allows to use variable Q.
Don't we have to store the variable Q in the image file?
No. Because the final image is encoded using a single Q. Please see Section 4 of our paper.
- CNN structure based on VGG16,
- Channel independent feature maps (3D features) using
- GAP based on
- Conv2d layer based on
My sincere thanks to @jazzsaxmafia, @carpedm20 and @metalbubble from whose code I learned and borrowed heavily.