How to use react in a minimal web application?
Defer is after DOMContent loaded, loads in parallel but executes after content is loaded. Also, defer scripts take their order in mind and execute accordingly
Async script is loaded and executed in parallel, no guarantees. Whatever loaded first runs.
First Argument is JSx element, second is props object, third is children.
A content delivery network (CDN) refers to a geographically distributed servers which work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content all over the globe. It is fast because of less server load etc. Genrally we use it to deliver our assets like images, videos, pdfs etc. to store and retrieve.
With Emmet, we use code snippets used in daily life, to be generated automatically with few key strokes. It is provided by default in VSCode editor.
production links are optimized and minified with the help of bundlers, transpilers and minifiers. They are generally not readable. While development code is code for developers. It has readability, and have formatted code that can be used if we want to reference from it.
Answer lies in event driven architechture we follow in React. Any event handlers updating the dynamic data of react's piece of code, makes the code REACTIVE
for events.
It stands for cross origin resource sharing. When domains allow for sharing of data with each other they need the CORS to be ON on the respective server.