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Apache NuttX RTOS Contributing Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Apache NuttX RTOS :-)

If you haven't yet read The Inviolable Principles of NuttX please do so first.

Please note that NuttX supports over 15 different architectures, 360+ boards, and 1600+ configurations, that are used in various projects and products around the world. Remember that any code change may affect different users and their businesses. Please try to keep your contributions high quality and compatible.

To help us process your contributions smoothly, it is very important that you follow the guidelines. NuttX is maintained by a small team of volunteers from around the world. These rules are based on daily experiences and help us to preserve long term self-compatibility and maintenance of the project.

This document is split into two main parts:

  1. Contribution Rules.
  2. Contribution Templates.

If you need more information please read the Full Contributing Documentation or ask questions at our Social Media channels.

1. Contribution Rules.

1.1. Goals.

The rules presented are here to ensure high quality code and documentation, standardized pull requests processing, as well as long term self-compatibility and maintenance of the project.

Because every change may affect users, products, or services around the world, all rules apply equally to all authors, reviewers, committers and maintainters.

This is our Check-List for processing every incoming pull request. Also, we filter out breaking changes and handle them accordingly.

1.2. Requirements are mandatory.

Each Contribution is a Pull Request (PR) that consists of one or more git commits (COMMIT). Both PRs and COMMITs must adhere to requirements presented in the Contributing Guidelines or will be auto-rejected until fixed. Special cases are possible and outlined in a separate section of dedicated rules.

1.3. Proper change description.

Proper description of change is mandatory. Description must contain detailed explanation on:

  • what is the purpose of change
  • why it is necessary
  • what it does / adds / fixes
  • how things are added / changed / fixed / updated
  • what is the impact (build / runtime / api / what area)
  • how it was tested (build host, compiler, target, logs)
  • references (i.e. nuttx and nuttx-apps changes).
  • dependencies (if change depends on another change).

Local code build and real world hardware runtime test logs must be provided (for code related changes), at least short form. For fixes, "before" and "after" logs comparison is welcome.

Description can be a single sentence, several sentences long, or bullet points, but must be enough for anyone to understand change goals and details. Usually it will look similar for PR and git commit message.

Good description when read once will make others understand your work. This allows faster review, quick understanding of change history (what changed, why, how), and eventual problem identification / fix in future.

1.4. COMMIT and PR descriptions are equally important.

Git commit messages are as important as PR descriptions.

Git log provides offline descriptions of each change that is git client / interface independent.

1.5. COMMIT requirements.

Proper git commit message according to template (see 2.1) is mandatory, or change is auto-rejected until fixed. Build and runtime logs are optional here if these are too long and already provided in the PR.

Git commit message consists of:

  1. Topic with functional area prefix, : mark, short self-explanatory functional context, . mark.
  2. Blank line.
  3. Description on what is changed, how, and why. May use several lines, short sentences, or bullet points (see 1.3).
  4. Blank line.
  5. Signature (created with git commit -s).

Valid git commit example:

net/can: Add g_ prefix to can_dlc_to_len and len_to_can_dlc.

Add g_ prefix to can_dlc_to_len and len_to_can_dlc to
follow NuttX coding style conventions for global symbols,
improving code readability and maintainability.
* you can also use bullet points.
* to note different things briefly.

Signed-off-by: AuthorName <Valid@EmailAddress>

1.6. COMMIT message mandatory fields.

Each git commit message must contain these fields, or change is auto-rejected until fixed:

  1. topic.
  2. description.
  3. signature (git commit -s).

Although this seems to repeat rule 1.5, it clearly filters out commits with no topic, description, or signature.

1.7. PR requirements.

  1. Proper description (see 1.3) of PR according to template (see 2.3) is mandatory. All fields are required or change is auto-rejected until fixed.
  2. For code changes build and runtime logs are mandatory to prove code was tested on at least one real world hardware target.
  3. Pull Requests should be as small as possible and focused on only one functional change.
  4. Changes affecting different functionalities must be provided in a separate Pull Requests.
  5. PR may contain several commits but every single commit included must not break overall build, runtime, and compatibility, especially for other components.
  6. PR that breaks build or runtime in any way is considered a Breaking Change (see 1.12), is not welcome, and requires special handling (see 1.13).
  7. PR that introduces new feature must have Documentation included (see 1.8).
  8. Work-in-progress PRs should be marked [WIP] tag and set as "draft".
  9. When changes for a dedicated function must be bundled together in order to maintain functionality and self-compatibility, exception can be made, and it must be clearly stated that there is no other way and that this is not a Breaking Change.

Note that our small team of maintainers is processing hundreds of PRs every month. Providing high quality COMMITs and PRs really helps a lot!

Please provide only finished and verified solutions. Every PR code update (git push -f to your branch that represents the PR) each time triggers big GitHub CI machinery that builds / cross-compiles your code to various targets on various build hosts. This is not only slow but also expensive.

1.8. Documentation requirements.

Changes must come with a documentation update (where applicable).

Documentation is part of the nuttx git repository. If code change is part of nuttx-apps repository then separate PR in nuttx repository is required. Otherwise documentation should come in the same PR as the code update.

It is advised that the code and documentation should be split into two separate commits in the same PR. This helps backporting and separates possible code and documentation build errors. Squashing code together with documentation into a single commit should be avoided, but is acceptable.

If change presents new functionality documentation must be provided in the same PR along with the code (not in the future).

If change requires existing documentation update it must be contained in the same PR along with the code change (not in the future).

Successful documentation build logs (shortcut) are welcome.

This helps us keep documentation in sync with the code.



1.9. Zero Trust approach to user testing.

We implement zero trust approach to user-provided testing.

It is the change author's duty to provide real world hardware build and runtime logs for at least one real world hardware device.

Remember that any code change may break things for others. Please do your utmost to avoid that.

This helps us filter out untested code commits.


1.10. Long term maintenance and self-compatibility.

Long term maintenance and self-compatibility is our ultimate goal.

Alternative solutions and non-invasive approaches are preferred. Offer user a choice and compatibility instead of breaking existing features.

Breaking changes are avoided and planned towards next major release (see 1.12).


1.11. Experimental features.

Experimental code and incomplete or experimental features that do not impact overall project self-compatibility in terms of Breaking Changes (see 1.12) must be clearly marked with a [EXPERIMENTAL] tag in the git commit topic and PR title that will propagate to Release Notes.


1.12. Breaking changes not welcome.

Breaking changes are not welcome. We do not "break by design". Please provide only high quality code and think about other NuttX users.

Because thousands of users / companies and their projects / products depend on NuttX code, we strongly prefer self-compatibility and long-term maintenance over "change is good" or "enforced changes" ideologies.

"Breaking change" is anything that alters Build / Kernel / Architecture / API, alters both nuttx and nuttx-apps repo at the same time, breaks build / runtime / api for a single or many boards / architectures / applications, breaks self-compatibility, breaks maintenance, breaks build / runtime compatibility with existing release code (packages) both for nuttx and nuttx-apps, etc.

Remember that any code change may impact other users and their businesses!

Changes should provide maximum self-compatibility with existing solutions, should not impact build and runtime in a negative way, or may require design reconsiderations such as providing alternative non-invasive user selectable solutions (see 1.10).

When breaking changes are unavoidable, these may be accepted, but need prior discussion and agreement of the community and special handling (see 1.13).


1.13. Breaking changes handling process.

This rule complements "Breaking changes not welcome" rule.

We avoid breaking changes unless absolutely necessary and unavoidable (i.e. security fix, broken code, etc). Special case considerations apply:

  1. First reviewer that recognizes a breaking change should block accidental merge with "Request Changes" mark and ask for discussion. This PR cannot be merged until all requests are resolved.
  2. PR is marked as "Draft" to avoid accidental merge.
  3. Detailed discussion should follow both in PR and dev@ Mailing List.
  4. Alternative non-breaking solution is researched alongside the community.
  5. Breaking change after discussion / updates is voted on the mailing list and requires at least 4 +1 binding votes with no -1 binding votes. Any -1 binding vote is a veto and blocks the change. NuttX PMC members cast binding votes. See Apache Voting Process.
  6. Breaking changes must be verified on various different real world hardware architectures, build and runtime logs are mandatory. Help of the community is welcome.
  7. Breaking change requires at least 4 independent positive PR reviews (see 1.16), all discussions resolved, and zero "request changes".
  8. Change must be well documented (buid / runtime test logs, pr, git commit, documentation, release notes, etc) with clear notes on how to fix the introduced problems.
  9. Breaking Change must be clearly marked with a [BREAKING] tag in the git commit topic and PR title that will propagate to Release Notes.


1.14. Breaking changes build and runtime test logs are mandatory.

Breaking changes are special case where build and runtime test logs (i.e. apps/ostest) for more than one different architecture is mandatory. Community support is welcome.

QEMU tests do not count here as in the past they did not catch problems that revealed on a real world hardware after change was already merged.

Although this seems to repeat rule 1.13, it ensures real world hardware verification and minimizes possible negative impact on various users.


1.15. Reviews reuqirements.

Before PR can be merged to the master repository it requires:

  • 2 or more independent positive reviews.
  • 4 or more independent positive reviews for Breaking Changes (see 1.12).

In future we plan to add "areas" (such as trivial typo fixes or documentation only updates) that may require only one reviewer.

1.16. Reviews independence.

PR reviews should come from independent organizations. NuttX is an Open-Source independent and unbiased project.

Each PMC Member, Committer, and Reviewer must report up-to-date Affiliation for clear identification. Commits should contain business email where applicable.

When code comes from the same organization as positive review, then review is not considered independent, but still may provide helpful insight.

Self review is not allowed.


1.17. Merge rules.

  1. Each change must be provided as PR that undergoes independent review process (see 1.16).
  2. Single company / organization commit, review, and merge is not allowed.
  3. Merge of PRs with unresolved discussions and "change request" marks is not allowed.
  4. Self committed code merge with or without review is not allowed.
  5. Direct push to master is not allowed.

Breaking these rules will be punished.


2. Contribution Templates.

2.1. Source Code.

Your source code must conform to the NuttX C Coding Standard.

Code is automatically checked for each PR (and PR updates) by GitHub Continuous Integration (CI) system. Fails at lint/* step indicate code style errors.

You may verify the code styling issues with:

  1. ./tools/ -g HEAD~...HEAD
  2. ./tools/ -f path/to/your/file.c

Note that we require you to solve encountered issues and adapt all modified files even if you did not introduce the problem yourself. This way, every contribution gets us closer to compliance. Thank you!

2.2. Commits.

This template provides git commit example as described in requirement 1.5.

net/can: Add g_ prefix to can_dlc_to_len and len_to_can_dlc.

Add g_ prefix to can_dlc_to_len and len_to_can_dlc to
follow NuttX coding style conventions for global symbols,
improving code readability and maintainability.
* you can also use bullet points.
* to note different thing briefly.

Signed-off-by: AuthorName <Valid@EmailAddress>

Note that first line of the commit message (topic) will be automatically used as pull request title and the rest is added as description. Use it as a starting point to describe your Pull-Request (PR).

2.3. Pull Requests.

This template uses MarkDown and provides example Pull Request content as described in requirement 1.7.

## Summary

  * Why change is necessary (fix, update, new feature)?
  * What functional part of the code is being changed?
  * How does the change exactly work (what will change and how)?
  * Related [NuttX Issue]( reference if applicable.
  * Related NuttX Apps [Issue]( / [Pull Request]( reference if applicable.

## Impact

  * Is new feature added? Is existing feature changed? NO / YES (please describe if yes).
  * Impact on user (will user need to adapt to change)? NO / YES (please describe if yes).
  * Impact on build (will build process change)? NO / YES (please descibe if yes).
  * Impact on hardware (will arch(s) / board(s) / driver(s) change)? NO / YES (please describe if yes).
  * Impact on documentation (is update required / provided)? NO / YES (please describe if yes).
  * Impact on security (any sort of implications)? NO / YES (please describe if yes).
  * Impact on compatibility (backward/forward/interoperability)? NO / YES (please describe if yes).
  * Anything else to consider or add?

## Testing

  I confirm that changes are verified on local setup and works as intended:
  * Build Host(s): OS (Linux,BSD,macOS,Windows,..), CPU(Intel,AMD,ARM), compiler(GCC,CLANG,version), etc.
  * Target(s): arch(sim,RISC-V,ARM,..), board:config, etc.
  * you can also provide steps on how to reproduce the problem and verify the change.

  Testing logs before change:

  build and runtime logs before change goes here

  Testing logs after change:

  build and runtime logs after change goes here

## PR verification Self-Check

  * [ ] This PR introduces only one functional change.
  * [ ] I have updated all required description fields above.
  * [ ] My PR adheres to Contributing [Guidelines]( and [Documentation]( (git commit title and message, coding standard, etc).
  * [ ] My PR is still work in progress (not ready for review).
  * [ ] My PR is ready for review and can be safely merged into a codebase.