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Resource Predicate Service

ResourcePredicate is a service that allows you to convert a string that defines a simple matching requirements into a Predicate<Resource> for use with the Collections and the Streams Java API. In addition it also allows you to add parameters to the underlying context that the script will use.

ResourcePredicates rp;

Predicate<Resource> predicate = rp.parse("[jcr:content/created] < 2013-08-08T16:32");
    resource -> System.out.println(resource.getPath())

Resource Stream

ResourceStream is a general utility to provide a Stream<Resource> which traverses a resource and it's subtree. The implementation takes a Predicate<Resource> object as part of the stream creation to define a branch selector that controls which children of a resource are followed.

In addition there is a getChildren(Predicate) method which returns a filtered list of children of the given resource.

Resource Filter Stream

ResourceFilterStream combines the ResourceStream functionality with the ResourcePredicates service to provide an ability to define a Stream<Resource> that follows specific child pages and looks for specific Resources as defined by the resources filter script. The ResourceStreamFilter is access by adaption.

     ResourceFilterStream rfs = resource.adaptTo(ResourceFilterStream.class);
        .setBranchSelector("[jcr:primaryType] == 'cq:Page'")
        .setChildSelector("[jcr:content/sling:resourceType] != 'apps/components/page/folder'")

ResourceFilter Scripting


Name Comparison Type Description
and NA Logical AND
&& NA Logical AND
or NA Logical OR
|| NA Logical OR
== String Equal operator for Strings
< Number Less than operator for Numbers
<= Number Less than or equal operator for Numbers
> Number Greater than operator for Numbers
>= Number Greater than or equal operator for Numbers
!= String Is not equal to for Strings
~= String - Regex Regex match against String
less than Number less than operator for Numbers
greater than Number greater than operator for Numbers
is String Equal operator for Strings
is not String Is not equal operator for Strings
like String - Regex Regex match against String
is like String - Regex Regex match against String
not like String - Regex Regex does not match String
contains String[] String[] contains all of items
contains not String[] String[] does not contain all of the items
contains any String[] String[] contains at least one of items
contains not any String[] String[] does not contain any of the items

Logical Operators

The 'and' and 'or' operators are logical operators that string together conditions. 'And' operators take precedence. 'Or' operators evaluate from left to right


Values for comparison are obtained through multiple methods

Method Description
Literal Single(') or double (") quoted text in the query will be interpreted as a String. Boolean values of true and false will be translated to a String.
Property A String between square brackets '[',']'s will be interpreted as a property value and will be retrieved from the Resource using the get method
Function A string followed by parens containing an optional comma separated list of values.


All types are converted to either a String or a Number. For direct equivalence the comparison is done as a String. For relational comparisons the object will be adapted to a number.


Dates are special, there are multiple ways to enter a date.

In line, as part of the query, a date can be identified as a string that conforms to a standard ISO-8601 date time.




Are all valid date representations that are defaulting to the UTC timezone.

For a ISO8601 date with timezone offset use the date function.


If you need a different date format then the date function can accommodate that


Or you can add your own custom Function

Dates are transitionally represented as a java.util.Instant which is then converted to a String in ISO-8601 format or as a Long number based on the type of comparison. The number representing the time in milliseconds since the EPOCH UTC region


Functions provide the ability to add additional functionality to the Filter language. A Function is written in the format

string '(' comma, separated, list() ')'

All functions MUST return either a String, a Number, or an Instant. Strings are assumed to be using the default UTF encoding.

OOTB Functions are:

Name Arguments Returns Description
name none String Provides the name of the resource
date 0 - 2 Instant First argument is string representation of the date, second argument is a standard Java DateFormat representation of the value. No argument returns the current time.
path none String path of the tested resource


The ResourceFilter and ResourceFilteStream can have key value pairs added so that the values may be used as part of the script resolution. Parameters are accessed by using the dollar sign '$'

rfs.setBranchSelector("[jcr:content/sling:resourceType] != $type").addParam("type","apps/components/page/folder");

Optimizing Traversals

Similar to indexing in a query there are strategies that you can do within a tree traversal so that traversals can be done in an efficient manner across a large number of resources. The following strategies will assist in traversal optimization.

Limit traversal paths

In a naive implementation of a tree traversal the traversal occurs across all nodes in the tree regardless of the ability of the tree structure to support the nodes that are being looked for. An example of this is a tree of Page resources that have have a child node of jcr:content which contains a subtree of data to define the page structure. If the jcr:content node is not capable of having a child resource of type Page and the goal of the traversal is to identify Page resources that match a specific criteria then the traversal of the jcr:content node can not lead to additional matches. Using this knowledge of the resource structure, you can improve performance by adding a branch selector that prevents the traversal from proceeding down a non productive path

Limit memory consumption

The instantiation of a Resource object from the underlying ResourceResolver is a non trivial consumption of memory. When the focus of a tree traversal is obtaining information from thousands of Resources, an effective method is to extract the information as part of the stream processing or utilizing the forEach method of the ResourceStream object which allows the resource to be garbage collected in an efficient manner.


Apache Sling Resource Filter



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