Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP…
Use an ESP8266 to replace RPI and Arduino. Running BrewPi without Pi, therefore, BrewPi-Less
Programmable thermostat firmware and arduino based uploader for the STC-1000 thermostat
Arduino Stream implementation over Telnet for OTA logging and debugging
This repository contains the legacy code I wrote for SrvStart in 2000. SrvStart allows you to run an ordinary Windows executable as a Windows service.
Standalone firmware flasher for Brewing-related ESP8266/ESP32 firmware
iSpindle replacement firmware for beer brewing/fermenting
Wireless hydrometer with an ESP32 powered by MicroPython
Simple serial command line prompt for Arduino. Developed by Akiba from @freaklabs
Generic Unix based TCP Server for iSpindel Including Charts
Monitor onewire temp directory and hard reset power to the DS18B20 if folder is not present.
jnosek / cbpi_Brewfather
Forked from carlallen/cbpi_BrewersFriendBrewfather custom stream plugin for cbpi3
CraftBeerPi Boil Step with Hop Dropper Actor
iSpindel Plugin for craftbeerpi3
Plugin for CraftBeerPi3 which allows you to set up boils steps with hop additions and additional reminders counting down from the total boil-time
netanelbe / cbpi_iSpindel
Forked from IndyJoeA/cbpi_iSpindeliSpindel plugin for CraftBeerPi 3.0