- Using Vert.x Web
- Re-cap on Vert.x core HTTP servers
- Basic Vert.x-Web concepts
- Handling requests and calling the next handler
- Using blocking handlers
- Routing by exact path
- Routing by paths that begin with something
- Capturing path parameters
- Routing with regular expressions
- Capturing path parameters with regular expressions
- Routing by HTTP method
- Route order
- Routing based on MIME type of request
- Routing based on MIME types acceptable by the client
- Combining routing criteria
- Enabling and disabling routes
- Context data
- Reroute
- Sub-routers
- Default 404 Handling
- Error handling
- Request body handling
- Handling cookies
- Handling sessions
- Authentication / authorisation
- Serving static resources
- CORS handling
- Templates
- Error handler
- Request logger
- Serving favicons
- Timeout handler
- Response time handler
- SockJS
- SockJS event bus bridge
- CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery
- VirtualHost Handler
Vert.x-Web is a set of building blocks for building web applications with Vert.x.
Think of it as a Swiss Army Knife for building modern, scalable, web apps.
Vert.x core provides a fairly low level set of functionality for handling HTTP, and for some applications that will be sufficient.
VVert.x-Web builds on Vert.x core to provide a richer set of functionality for building real web applications, more easily.
It’s the successor to Yoke in Vert.x 2.x, and takes inspiration from projects such as Express in the Node.js world and Sinatra in the Ruby world.
Vert.x-Web is designed to be powerful, un-opionated and fully embeddable. You just use the parts you want and nothing more. Vert.x-Web is not a container.
You can use Vert.x-Web to create classic server-side web applications, RESTful web applications, 'real-time' (server push) web applications, or any other kind of web application you can think of. Vert.x-Web doesn’t care. It’s up to you to chose the type of app you prefer, not Vert.x-Web.
Vert.x-Web is a great fit for writing RESTful HTTP micro-services, but we don’t force you to write apps like that.
Some of the key features of Vert.x-Web include:
Routing (based on method, path, etc)
Regular expression pattern matching for paths
Extraction of parameters from paths
Content negotiation
Request body handling
Body size limits
Cookie parsing and handling
Multipart forms
Multipart file uploads
Sub routers
Session support - both local (for sticky sessions) and clustered (for non sticky)
CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) support
Error page handler
Basic Authentication
Redirect based authentication
Authorisation handlers
JWT based authorization
User/role/permission authorisation
Favicon handling
Template support for server side rendering, including support for the following template engines out of the box:
Response time handler
Static file serving, including caching logic and directory listing.
Request timeout support
SockJS support
Event-bus bridge
CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery
Most features in Vert.x-Web are implemented as handlers so you can always write your own. We envisage many more being written over time.
We’ll discuss all these features in this manual.
To use vert.x web, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:
Maven (in your
Gradle (in your
compile {maven-groupId}:{maven-artifactId}:{maven-version}
Vert.x-Web uses and exposes the API from Vert.x core, so it’s well worth getting familiar with the basic concepts of writing HTTP servers using Vert.x core, if you’re not already.
The Vert.x core HTTP documentation goes into a lot of detail on this.
Here’s a hello world web server written using Vert.x core. At this point there is no Vert.x-Web involved:
var server = vertx.createHttpServer();
server.requestHandler(function (request) {
// This handler gets called for each request that arrives on the server
var response = request.response();
response.putHeader("content-type", "text/plain");
// Write to the response and end it
response.end("Hello World!");
We create an HTTP server instance, and we set a request handler on it. The request handler will be called whenever a request arrives on the server.
When that happens we are just going to set the content type to text/plain
, and write Hello World!
and end the
We then tell the server to listen at port 8080
(default host is localhost
You can run this, and point your browser at http://localhost:8080
to verify that it works as expected.
Here’s the 10000 foot view:
A Router
is one of the core concepts of Vert.x-Web. It’s an object which maintains zero or more
A router takes an HTTP request and finds the first matching route for that request, and passes the request to that route.
The route can have a handler associated with it, which then receives the request. You then do something with the request, and then, either end it or pass it to the next matching handler.
Here’s a simple router example:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var server = vertx.createHttpServer();
var router = Router.router(vertx);
router.route().handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for every request
var response = routingContext.response();
response.putHeader("content-type", "text/plain");
// Write to the response and end it
response.end("Hello World from Vert.x-Web!");
It basically does the same thing as the Vert.x Core HTTP server hello world example from the previous section, but this time using Vert.x-Web.
We create an HTTP server as before, then we create a router. Once we’ve done that we create a simple route with no matching criteria so it will match all requests that arrive on the server.
We then specify a handler for that route. That handler will be called for all requests that arrive on the server.
The object that gets passed into the handler is a RoutingContext
- this contains
the standard Vert.x HttpServerRequest
and HttpServerResponse
but also various other useful stuff that makes working with Vert.x-Web simpler.
For every request that is routed there is a unique routing context instance, and the same instance is passed to all handlers for that request.
Once we’ve set up the handler, we set the request handler of the HTTP server to pass all incoming requests
to accept
So, that’s the basics. Now we’ll look at things in more detail:
When Vert.x-Web decides to route a request to a matching route, it calls the handler of the route passing in an instance
of RoutingContext
If you don’t end the response in your handler, you should call next
so another
matching route can handle the request (if any).
You don’t have to call next
before the handler has finished executing.
You can do this some time later, if you want:
var route1 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// enable chunked responses because we will be adding data as
// we execute over other handlers. This is only required once and
// only if several handlers do output.
// Call the next matching route after a 5 second delay
routingContext.vertx().setTimer(5000, function (tid) {
var route2 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// Call the next matching route after a 5 second delay
routingContext.vertx().setTimer(5000, function (tid) {
var route3 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// Now end the response
In the above example route1
is written to the response, then 5 seconds later route2
is written to the response,
then 5 seconds later route3
is written to the response and the response is ended.
Note, all this happens without any thread blocking.
Sometimes, you might have to do something in a handler that might block the event loop for some time, e.g. call a legacy blocking API or do some intensive calculation.
You can’t do that in a normal handler, so we provide the ability to set blocking handlers on a route.
A blocking handler looks just like a normal handler but it’s called by Vert.x using a thread from the worker pool not using an event loop.
You set a blocking handler on a route with blockingHandler
Here’s an example:
router.route().blockingHandler(function (routingContext) {
// Do something that might take some time synchronously
// Now call the next handler
By default, any blocking handlers executed on the same context (e.g. the same verticle instance) are ordered - this
means the next one won’t be executed until the previous one has completed. If you don’t care about orderering and
don’t mind your blocking handlers executing in parallel you can set the blocking handler specifying ordered
false using blockingHandler
A route can be set-up to match the path from the request URI. In this case it will match any request which has a path that’s the same as the specified path.
In the following example the handler will be called for a request /some/path/
. We also ignore trailing slashes
so it will be called for paths /some/path
and /some/path//
var route = router.route().path("/some/path/");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for the following request paths:
// `/some/path`
// `/some/path/`
// `/some/path//`
// but not:
// `/some/path/subdir`
Often you want to route all requests that begin with a certain path. You could use a regex to do this, but a simply
way is to use an asterisk *
at the end of the path when declaring the route path.
In the following example the handler will be called for any request with a URI path that starts with
For example /some/path/foo.html
and /some/path/otherdir/blah.css
would both match.
var route = router.route().path("/some/path/*");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any path that starts with
// `/some/path/`, e.g.
// `/some/path`
// `/some/path/`
// `/some/path/subdir`
// `/some/path/subdir/blah.html`
// but not:
// `/some/bath`
With any path it can also be specified when creating the route:
var route = router.route("/some/path/*");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called same as previous example
It’s possible to match paths using placeholders for parameters which are then available in the request
Here’s an example
var route = router.route('POST', "/catalogue/products/:productype/:productid/");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
var productType = routingContext.request().getParam("producttype");
var productID = routingContext.request().getParam("productid");
// Do something with them...
The placeholders consist of :
followed by the parameter name. Parameter names consist of any alphabetic character,
numeric character or underscore.
In the above example, if a POST request is made to path: /catalogue/products/tools/drill123/
then the route will match
and productType
will receive the value tools
and productID will receive the value drill123
Regular expressions can also be used to match URI paths in routes.
// Matches any path ending with 'foo'
var route = router.route().pathRegex(".*foo");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for:
// /some/path/foo
// /foo
// /foo/bar/wibble/foo
// /foo/bar
// But not:
// /bar/wibble
Alternatively the regex can be specified when creating the route:
var route = router.routeWithRegex(".*foo");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called same as previous example
You can also capture path parameters when using regular expressions, here’s an example:
var route = router.routeWithRegex(".*foo");
// This regular expression matches paths that start with something like:
// "/foo/bar" - where the "foo" is captured into param0 and the "bar" is captured into
// param1
route.pathRegex("\\/([^\\/]+)\\/([^\\/]+)").handler(function (routingContext) {
var productType = routingContext.request().getParam("param0");
var productID = routingContext.request().getParam("param1");
// Do something with them...
In the above example, if a request is made to path: /tools/drill123/
then the route will match
and productType
will receive the value tools
and productID will receive the value drill123
Captures are denoted in regular expressions with capture groups (i.e. surrounding the capture with round brackets)
By default a route will match all HTTP methods.
If you want a route to only match for a specific HTTP method you can use method
var route = router.route().method('POST');
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any POST request
Or you can specify this with a path when creating the route:
var route = router.route('POST', "/some/path/");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any POST request to a URI path starting with /some/path/
If you want to route for a specific HTTP method you can also use the methods such as get
and put
named after the HTTP
method name. For example:
router.get().handler(function (routingContext) {
// Will be called for any GET request
router.get("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
// Will be called for any GET request to a path
// starting with /some/path
router.getWithRegex(".*foo").handler(function (routingContext) {
// Will be called for any GET request to a path
// ending with `foo`
// There are also equivalents to the above for PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD and OPTIONS
If you want to specify a route will match for more than HTTP method you can call method
multiple times:
var route = router.route().method('POST').method('PUT');
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any POST or PUT request
By default routes are matched in the order they are added to the router.
When a request arrives the router will step through each route and check if it matches, if it matches then the handler for that route will be called.
If the handler subsequently calls next
the handler for the next
matching route (if any) will be called. And so on.
Here’s an example to illustrate this:
var route1 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// enable chunked responses because we will be adding data as
// we execute over other handlers. This is only required once and
// only if several handlers do output.
// Now call the next matching route
var route2 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// Now call the next matching route
var route3 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// Now end the response
In the above example the response will contain:
route1 route2 route3
As the routes have been called in that order for any request that starts with /some/path
If you want to override the default ordering for routes, you can do so using order
specifying an integer value.
Routes are assigned an order at creation time corresponding to the order in which they were added to the router, with
the first route numbered 0
, the second route numbered 1
, and so on.
By specifying an order for the route you can override the default ordering. Order can also be negative, e.g. if you
want to ensure a route is evaluated before route number 0
Let’s change the ordering of route2 so it runs before route1:
var route1 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// Now call the next matching route
var route2 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// enable chunked responses because we will be adding data as
// we execute over other handlers. This is only required once and
// only if several handlers do output.
// Now call the next matching route
var route3 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// Now end the response
// Change the order of route2 so it runs before route1
then the response will now contain:
route2 route1 route3
If two matching routes have the same value of order, then they will be called in the order they were added.
You can also specify that a route is handled last, with last
You can specify that a route will match against matching request MIME types using consumes
In this case, the request will contain a content-type
header specifying the MIME type of the request body.
This will be matched against the value specified in consumes
Basically, consumes
is describing which MIME types the handler can consume.
Matching can be done on exact MIME type matches:
// Exact match
router.route().consumes("text/html").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any request with
// content-type header set to `text/html`
Multiple exact matches can also be specified:
// Multiple exact matches
router.route().consumes("text/html").consumes("text/plain").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any request with
// content-type header set to `text/html` or `text/plain`.
Matching on wildcards for the sub-type is supported:
// Sub-type wildcard match
router.route().consumes("text/*").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any request with top level type `text`
// e.g. content-type header set to `text/html` or `text/plain` will both match
And you can also match on the top level type
// Top level type wildcard match
router.route().consumes("*/json").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This handler will be called for any request with sub-type json
// e.g. content-type header set to `text/json` or `application/json` will both match
If you don’t specify a /
in the consumers, it will assume you meant the sub-type.
The HTTP accept
header is used to signify which MIME types of the response are acceptable to the client.
An accept
header can have multiple MIME types separated by ‘,’.
MIME types can also have a q
value appended to them* which signifies a weighting to apply if more than one
response MIME type is available matching the accept header. The q value is a number between 0 and 1.0.
If omitted it defaults to 1.0.
For example, the following accept
header signifies the client will accept a MIME type of only text/plain
Accept: text/plain
With the following the client will accept text/plain
or text/html
with no preference.
Accept: text/plain, text/html
With the following the client will accept text/plain
or text/html
but prefers text/html
as it has a higher
value (the default value is q=1.0)
Accept: text/plain; q=0.9, text/html
If the server can provide both text/plain and text/html it should provide the text/html in this case.
By using produces
you define which MIME type(s) the route produces, e.g. the
following handler produces a response with MIME type application/json
router.route().produces("application/json").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
response.putHeader("content-type", "application/json");
In this case the route will match with any request with an accept
header that matches application/json
Here are some examples of accept
headers that will match:
Accept: application/json Accept: application/* Accept: application/json, text/html Accept: application/json;q=0.7, text/html;q=0.8, text/plain
You can also mark your route as producing more than one MIME type. If this is the case, then you use
to find out the actual MIME type that
was accepted.
// This route can produce two different MIME types
router.route().produces("application/json").produces("text/html").handler(function (routingContext) {
var response = routingContext.response();
// Get the actual MIME type acceptable
var acceptableContentType = routingContext.getAcceptableContentType();
response.putHeader("content-type", acceptableContentType);
In the above example, if you sent a request with the following accept
Accept: application/json; q=0.7, text/html
Then the route would match and acceptableContentType
would contain text/html
as both are
acceptable but that has a higher q
You can combine all the above routing criteria in many different ways, for example:
var route = router.route('PUT', "myapi/orders").consumes("application/json").produces("application/json");
route.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This would be match for any PUT method to paths starting with "myapi/orders" with a
// content-type of "application/json"
// and an accept header matching "application/json"
You can use the context data in the RoutingContext
to maintain any data that you
want to share between handlers for the lifetime of the request.
Here’s an example where one handler sets some data in the context data and a subsequent handler retrieves it:
A request sent to path /some/path/other
will match both routes.
router.get("/some/path").handler(function (routingContext) {
routingContext.put("foo", "bar");
router.get("/some/path/other").handler(function (routingContext) {
var bar = routingContext.get("foo");
// Do something with bar
Until now all routing mechanism allow you to handle your requests in a sequential way, however there might be times where you will want to go back. Since the context does not expose any information about the previous or next handler, mostly because this information is dynamic there is a way to restart the whole routing from the start of the current Router.
router.get("/some/path").handler(function (routingContext) {
routingContext.put("foo", "bar");
router.get("/some/path/B").handler(function (routingContext) {
router.get("/some/path").handler(function (routingContext) {
So from the code you can see that if a request arrives at /some/path
if first add a value to the context, then
moves to the next handler that re routes the request to /some/path/B
which terminates the request.
You can reroute based on a new path or based on a new path and method. Note however that rerouting based on method might introduce security issues since for example a usually safe GET request can become a DELETE.
Sometimes if you have a lot of handlers it can make sense to split them up into multiple routers. This is also useful if you want to reuse a set of handlers in a different application, rooted at a different path root.
To do this you can mount a router at a mount point in another router. The router that is mounted is called a sub-router. Sub routers can mount other sub routers so you can have several levels of sub-routers if you like.
Let’s look at a simple example of a sub-router mounted with another router.
This sub-router will maintain the set of handlers that corresponds to a simple fictional REST API. We will mount that on another router. The full implementation of the REST API is not shown.
Here’s the sub-router:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var restAPI = Router.router(vertx);
restAPI.get("/products/:productID").handler(function (rc) {
// TODO Handle the lookup of the product....
restAPI.put("/products/:productID").handler(function (rc) {
// TODO Add a new product...
restAPI.delete("/products/:productID").handler(function (rc) {
// TODO delete the product...
If this router was used as a top level router, then GET/PUT/DELETE requests to urls like /products/product1234
would invoke the API.
However, let’s say we already have a web-site as described by another router:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var mainRouter = Router.router(vertx);
// Handle static resources
We can now mount the sub router on the main router, against a mount point, in this case /productsAPI
mainRouter.mountSubRouter("/productsAPI", restAPI);
This means the REST API is now accessible via paths like: /productsAPI/products/product1234
If no routes match for any particular request, Vert.x-Web will signal a 404 error.
This can then be handled by your own error handler, or perhaps the augmented error handler that we supply to use, or if no error handler is provided Vert.x-Web will send back a basic 404 (Not Found) response.
As well as setting handlers to handle requests you can also set handlers to handle failures in routing.
Failure handlers are used with the exact same route matching criteria that you use with normal handlers.
For example you can provide a failure handler that will only handle failures on certain paths, or for certain HTTP methods.
This allows you to set different failure handlers for different parts of your application.
Here’s an example failure handler that will only be called for failure that occur when routing to GET requests
to paths that start with /somepath/
var route = router.get("/somepath/*");
route.failureHandler(function (frc) {
// This will be called for failures that occur
// when routing requests to paths starting with
// '/somepath/'
Failure routing will occur if a handler throws an exception, or if a handler calls
specifying an HTTP status code to deliberately signal a failure.
If an exception is caught from a handler this will result in a failure with status code 500
being signalled.
When handling the failure, the failure handler is passed the routing context which also allows the failure or failure code to be retrieved so the failure handler can use that to generate a failure response.
var route1 = router.get("/somepath/path1/");
route1.handler(function (routingContext) {
// Let's say this throws a RuntimeException
throw "something happened!";
var route2 = router.get("/somepath/path2");
route2.handler(function (routingContext) {
// This one deliberately fails the request passing in the status code
// E.g. 403 - Forbidden
// Define a failure handler
// This will get called for any failures in the above handlers
var route3 = router.get("/somepath/*");
route3.failureHandler(function (failureRoutingContext) {
var statusCode = failureRoutingContext.statusCode();
// Status code will be 500 for the RuntimeException or 403 for the other failure
var response = failureRoutingContext.response();
response.setStatusCode(statusCode).end("Sorry! Not today");
For the eventuality that an error occurs when running the error handler related usage of not allowed characters in status message header, then the original status message will be changed to the default message from the error code. This is a tradeoff to keep the semantics of the HTTP protocol working instead of abruptly creash and close the socket without properly completing the protocol.
The BodyHandler
allows you to retrieve request bodies, limit body sizes and handle
file uploads.
You should make sure a body handler is on a matching route for any requests that require this functionality.
var BodyHandler = require("vertx-web-js/body_handler");
// This body handler will be called for all routes
If you know the request body is JSON, then you can use getBodyAsJson
if you know it’s a string you can use getBodyAsString
, or to
retrieve it as a buffer use getBody
To limit the size of a request body, create the body handler then use setBodyLimit
to specifying the maximum body size, in bytes. This is useful to avoid running out of memory with very large bodies.
If an attempt to send a body greater than the maximum size is made, an HTTP status code of 413 - Request Entity Too Large
will be sent.
There is no body limit by default.
By default, the body handler will merge any form attributes into the request parameters. If you don’t want this behaviour
you can use disable it with setMergeFormAttributes
Body handler is also used to handle multi-part file uploads.
If a body handler is on a matching route for the request, any file uploads will be automatically streamed to the
uploads directory, which is file-uploads
by default.
Each file will be given an automatically generated file name, and the file uploads will be available on the routing
context with fileUploads
Here’s an example:
var BodyHandler = require("vertx-web-js/body_handler");
router.post("/some/path/uploads").handler(function (routingContext) {
var uploads = routingContext.fileUploads();
// Do something with uploads....
Each file upload is described by a FileUpload
instance, which allows various properties
such as the name, file-name and size to be accessed.
Vert.x-Web has cookies support using the CookieHandler
You should make sure a cookie handler is on a matching route for any requests that require this functionality.
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
// This cookie handler will be called for all routes
To remove a cookie, use removeCookie
To add a cookie use addCookie
The set of cookies will be written back in the response automatically when the response headers are written so the browser can store them.
Cookies are described by instances of Cookie
. This allows you to retrieve the name,
value, domain, path and other normal cookie properties.
Here’s an example of querying and adding cookies:
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
var Cookie = require("vertx-web-js/cookie");
// This cookie handler will be called for all routes
router.route("some/path/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var someCookie = routingContext.getCookie("mycookie");
var cookieValue = someCookie.getValue();
// Do something with cookie...
// Add a cookie - this will get written back in the response automatically
routingContext.addCookie(Cookie.cookie("othercookie", "somevalue"));
Vert.x-Web provides out of the box support for sessions.
Sessions last between HTTP requests for the length of a browser session and give you a place where you can add session-scope information, such as a shopping basket.
Vert.x-Web uses session cookies to identify a session. The session cookie is temporary and will be deleted by your browser when it’s closed.
We don’t put the actual data of your session in the session cookie - the cookie simply uses an identifier to look-up the actual session on the server. The identifier is a random UUID generated using a secure random, so it should be effectively unguessable.
Cookies are passed across the wire in HTTP requests and responses so it’s always wise to make sure you are using HTTPS when sessions are being used. Vert.x will warn you if you attempt to use sessions over straight HTTP.
To enable sessions in your application you must have a SessionHandler
on a matching route before your application logic.
The session handler handles the creation of session cookies and the lookup of the session so you don’t have to do that yourself.
To create a session handler you need to have a session store instance. The session store is the object that holds the actual sessions for your application.
Vert.x-Web comes with two session store implementations out of the box, and you can also write your own if you prefer.
With this store, sessions are stored locally in memory and only available in this instance.
This store is appropriate if you have just a single Vert.x instance of you are using sticky sessions in your application and have configured your load balancer to always route HTTP requests to the same Vert.x instance.
If you can’t ensure your requests will all terminate on the same server then don’t use this store as your requests might end up on a server which doesn’t know about your session.
Local session stores are implemented by using a shared local map, and have a reaper which clears out expired sessions.
The reaper interval can be configured with
Here are some examples of creating a LocalSessionStore
var LocalSessionStore = require("vertx-web-js/local_session_store");
// Create a local session store using defaults
var store1 = LocalSessionStore.create(vertx);
// Create a local session store specifying the local shared map name to use
// This might be useful if you have more than one application in the same
// Vert.x instance and want to use different maps for different applications
var store2 = LocalSessionStore.create(vertx, "myapp3.sessionmap");
// Create a local session store specifying the local shared map name to use and
// setting the reaper interval for expired sessions to 10 seconds
var store3 = LocalSessionStore.create(vertx, "myapp3.sessionmap", 10000);
With this store, sessions are stored in a distributed map which is accessible across the Vert.x cluster.
This store is appropriate if you’re not using sticky sessions, i.e. your load balancer is distributing different requests from the same browser to different servers.
Your session is accessible from any node in the cluster using this store.
To you use a clustered session store you should make sure your Vert.x instance is clustered.
Here are some examples of creating a ClusteredSessionStore
var ClusteredSessionStore = require("vertx-web-js/clustered_session_store");
var Vertx = require("vertx-js/vertx");
// a clustered Vert.x
"clustered" : true
}, function (res, res_err) {
var vertx = res;
// Create a clustered session store using defaults
var store1 = ClusteredSessionStore.create(vertx);
// Create a clustered session store specifying the distributed map name to use
// This might be useful if you have more than one application in the cluster
// and want to use different maps for different applications
var store2 = ClusteredSessionStore.create(vertx, "myclusteredapp3.sessionmap");
Once you’ve created a session store you can create a session handler, and add it to a route. You should make sure your session handler is routed to before your application handlers.
You’ll also need to include a CookieHandler
as the session handler uses cookies to
lookup the session. The cookie handler should be before the session handler when routing.
Here’s an example:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
var ClusteredSessionStore = require("vertx-web-js/clustered_session_store");
var SessionHandler = require("vertx-web-js/session_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
// We need a cookie handler first
// Create a clustered session store using defaults
var store = ClusteredSessionStore.create(vertx);
var sessionHandler = SessionHandler.create(store);
// Make sure all requests are routed through the session handler too
// Now your application handlers
router.route("/somepath/blah/").handler(function (routingContext) {
var session = routingContext.session();
session.put("foo", "bar");
// etc
The session handler will ensure that your session is automatically looked up (or created if no session exists) from the session store and set on the routing context before it gets to your application handlers.
In your handlers you can access the session instance with session
You put data into the session with put
you get data from the session with get
, and you remove
data from the session with remove
The keys for items in the session are always strings. The values can be any type for a local session store, and for
a clustered session store they can be any basic type, or Buffer
, JsonObject
or a serializable object, as the values have to serialized across the cluster.
Here’s an example of manipulating session data:
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
// Now your application handlers
router.route("/somepath/blah").handler(function (routingContext) {
var session = routingContext.session();
// Put some data from the session
session.put("foo", "bar");
// Retrieve some data from a session
var age = session.get("age");
// Remove some data from a session
var obj = session.remove("myobj");
Sessions are automatically written back to the store after after responses are complete.
You can manually destroy a session using destroy
. This will remove the session
from the context and the session store. Note that if there is no session a new one will be automatically created
for the next request from the browser that’s routed through the session handler.
Sessions will be automatically timed out if they are not accessed for a time greater than the timeout period. When a session is timed out, it is removed from the store.
Sessions are automatically marked as accessed when a request arrives and the session is looked up and and when the response is complete and the session is stored back in the store.
You can also use setAccessed
to manually mark a session as accessed.
The session timeout can be configured when creating the session handler. Default timeout is 30 minutes.
Vert.x comes with some out-of-the-box handlers for handling both authentication and authorisation.
To create an auth handler you need an instance of AuthProvider
. Auth provider is
used for authentication and authorisation of users. Vert.x provides several auth provider instances out of the box
in the vertx-auth project. For full information on auth providers and how to use and configure them
please consult the auth documentation.
Here’s a simple example of creating a basic auth handler given an auth provider.
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
var LocalSessionStore = require("vertx-web-js/local_session_store");
var SessionHandler = require("vertx-web-js/session_handler");
var BasicAuthHandler = require("vertx-web-js/basic_auth_handler");
var basicAuthHandler = BasicAuthHandler.create(authProvider);
Let’s say you want all requests to paths that start with /private/
to be subject to auth. To do that you make sure
your auth handler is before your application handlers on those paths:
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
var LocalSessionStore = require("vertx-web-js/local_session_store");
var SessionHandler = require("vertx-web-js/session_handler");
var UserSessionHandler = require("vertx-web-js/user_session_handler");
var BasicAuthHandler = require("vertx-web-js/basic_auth_handler");
var basicAuthHandler = BasicAuthHandler.create(authProvider);
// All requests to paths starting with '/private/' will be protected
router.route("/someotherpath").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This will be public access - no login required
router.route("/private/somepath").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This will require a login
// This will have the value true
var isAuthenticated = routingContext.user() !== null;
If the auth handler has successfully authenticated and authorised the user it will inject a User
object into the RoutingContext
so it’s available in your handlers with:
If you want your User object to be stored in the session so it’s available between requests so you don’t have to authenticate on each request, then you should make sure you have a session handler and a user session handler on matching routes before the auth handler.
Once you have your user object you can also programmatically use the methods on it to authorise the user.
If you want to cause the user to be logged out you can call clearUser
on the routing context.
HTTP Basic Authentication is a simple means of authentication that can be appropriate for simple applications.
With basic auth, credentials are sent unencrypted across the wire in HTTP headers so it’s essential that you serve your application using HTTPS not HTTP.
With basic auth, if a user requests a resource that requires authorisation, the basic auth handler will send back
a 401
response with the header WWW-Authenticate
set. This prompts the browser to show a log-in dialogue and
prompt the user to enter their username and password.
The request is made to the resource again, this time with the Authorization
header set, containing the username
and password encoded in Base64.
When the basic auth handler receives this information, it calls the configured AuthProvider
with the username and password to authenticate the user. If the authentication is successful the handler attempts
to authorise the user. If that is successful then the routing of the request is allowed to continue to the application
handlers, otherwise a 403
response is returned to signify that access is denied.
The auth handler can be set-up with a set of authorities that are required for access to the resources to be granted.
With redirect auth handling the user is redirected to towards a login page in the case they are trying to access a protected resource and they are not logged in.
The user then fills in the login form and submits it. This is handled by the server which authenticates the user and, if authenticated redirects the user back to the original resource.
To use redirect auth you configure an instance of RedirectAuthHandler
instead of a
basic auth handler.
You will also need to setup handlers to serve your actual login page, and a handler to handle the actual login itself.
To handle the login we provide a prebuilt handler FormLoginHandler
for the purpose.
Here’s an example of a simple app, using a redirect auth handler on the default redirect url /loginpage
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
var LocalSessionStore = require("vertx-web-js/local_session_store");
var SessionHandler = require("vertx-web-js/session_handler");
var UserSessionHandler = require("vertx-web-js/user_session_handler");
var RedirectAuthHandler = require("vertx-web-js/redirect_auth_handler");
var FormLoginHandler = require("vertx-web-js/form_login_handler");
var StaticHandler = require("vertx-web-js/static_handler");
var redirectAuthHandler = RedirectAuthHandler.create(authProvider);
// All requests to paths starting with '/private/' will be protected
// Handle the actual login
// Set a static server to serve static resources, e.g. the login page
router.route("/someotherpath").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This will be public access - no login required
router.route("/private/somepath").handler(function (routingContext) {
// This will require a login
// This will have the value true
var isAuthenticated = routingContext.user() !== null;
With JWT authorisation resources can be protected by means of permissions and users without enough rights are denied access.
To use this handler there are 2 steps involved:
Setup an handler to issue tokens (or rely on a 3rd party)
Setup the handler to filter the requests
Please note that these 2 handlers should be only available on HTTPS, not doing so allows sniffing the tokens in transit which leads to session hijacking attacks.
Here’s an example on how to issue tokens:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var JWTAuth = require("vertx-auth-jwt-js/jwt_auth");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
var authConfig = {
"keyStore" : {
"type" : "jceks",
"path" : "keystore.jceks",
"password" : "secret"
var authProvider = JWTAuth.create(vertx, authConfig);
router.route("/login").handler(function (ctx) {
// this is an example, authentication should be done with another provider...
if ("paulo" == ctx.request().getParam("username") && "secret" == ctx.request().getParam("password")) {
"sub" : "paulo"
}, {
} else {
Now that your client has a token all it is required is that for all consequent request the HTTP header
is filled with: Bearer <token>
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var JWTAuth = require("vertx-auth-jwt-js/jwt_auth");
var JWTAuthHandler = require("vertx-web-js/jwt_auth_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
var authConfig = {
"keyStore" : {
"type" : "jceks",
"path" : "keystore.jceks",
"password" : "secret"
var authProvider = JWTAuth.create(vertx, authConfig);
router.route("/protected/somepage").handler(function (ctx) {
// some handle code...
JWT allows you to add any information you like to the token itself. By doing this there is no state in the server which allows you to scale your applications without need for clustered session data. In order to add data to the token, during the creation of the token just add data to the JsonObject parameter:
var JWTAuth = require("vertx-auth-jwt-js/jwt_auth");
var authConfig = {
"keyStore" : {
"type" : "jceks",
"path" : "keystore.jceks",
"password" : "secret"
var authProvider = JWTAuth.create(vertx, authConfig);
"sub" : "paulo",
"someKey" : "some value"
}, {
And the same when consuming:
var handler = function (rc) {
var theSubject = rc.user().principal().sub;
var someKey = rc.user().principal().someKey;
With any auth handler you can also configure required authorities to access the resource.
By default, if no authorities are configured then it is sufficient to be logged in to access the resource, otherwise the user must be both logged in (authenticated) and have the required authorities.
Here’s an example of configuring an app so that different authorities are required for different parts of the app. Note that the meaning of the authorities is determined by the underlying auth provider that you use. E.g. some may support a role/permission based model but others might use another model.
var RedirectAuthHandler = require("vertx-web-js/redirect_auth_handler");
var listProductsAuthHandler = RedirectAuthHandler.create(authProvider);
// Need "list_products" authority to list products
var settingsAuthHandler = RedirectAuthHandler.create(authProvider);
// Only "admin" has access to /private/settings
Vert.x-Web comes with an out of the box handler for serving static web resources so you can write static web servers very easily.
To serve static resources such as .html
, .css
, .js
or any other static resource, you use an instance of
Any requests to paths handled by the static handler will result in files being served from a directory on the file system
or from the classpath. The default static file directory is webroot
but this can be configured.
In the following example all requests to paths starting with /static/
will get served from the directory webroot
var StaticHandler = require("vertx-web-js/static_handler");
For example, if there was a request with path /static/css/mystyles.css
the static serve will look for a file in the
directory webroot/static/css/mystyle.css
It will also look for a file on the classpath called webroot/static/css/mystyle.css
. This means you can package up all your
static resources into a jar file (or fatjar) and distribute them like that.
When Vert.x finds a resource on the classpath for the first time it extracts it and caches it in a temporary directory on disk so it doesn’t have to do this each time.
The handler will handle range aware requests. When a client makes a request to a static resource, the handler will
notify that it can handle range aware request by stating the unit on the Accept-Ranges
header. Further requests
that contain the Range
header with the correct unit and start and end indexes will then receive partial responses
with the correct Content-Range
By default the static handler will set cache headers to enable browsers to effectively cache files.
Vert.x-Web sets the headers cache-control
, and date
is set to max-age=86400
by default. This corresponds to one day. This can be configured with
if required.
If a browser sends a GET or a HEAD request with an if-modified-since
header and the resource has not been modified
since that date, a 304
status is returned which tells the browser to use its locally cached resource.
If handling of cache headers is not required, it can be disabled with setCachingEnabled
When cache handling is enabled Vert.x-Web will cache the last modified date of resources in memory, this avoids a disk hit to check the actual last modified date every time.
Entries in the cache have an expiry time, and after that time, the file on disk will be checked again and the cache entry updated.
If you know that your files never change on disk, then the cache entry will effectively never expire. This is the default.
If you know that your files might change on disk when the server is running then you can set files read only to false with
To enable the maximum number of entries that can be cached in memory at any one time you can use
To configure the expiry time of cache entries you can use setCacheEntryTimeout
Any requests to the root path /
will cause the index page to be served. By default the index page is index.html
This can be configured with setIndexPage
By default static resources will be served from the directory webroot
. To configure this use
Serving hidden files
By default the serve will serve hidden files (files starting with .
If you do not want hidden files to be served you can configure it with setIncludeHidden
The server can also perform directory listing. By default directory listing is disabled. To enabled it use
When directory listing is enabled the content returned depends on the content type in the accept
For text/html
directory listing, the template used to render the directory listing page can be configured with
By default, Vert.x will cache files that are served from the classpath into a file on disk in a sub-directory of a
directory called .vertx
in the current working directory. This is mainly useful when deploying services as
fatjars in production where serving a file from the classpath every time can be slow.
In development this can cause a problem, as if you update your static content while the server is running, the cached file will be served not the updated file.
To disable file caching you can provide the system property vertx.disableFileCaching
with the value true
. E.g. you
could set up a run configuration in your IDE to set this when runnning your main class.
Cross Origin Resource Sharing is a safe mechanism for allowing resources to be requested from one domain and served from another.
Vert.x-Web includes a handler CorsHandler
that handles the CORS protocol for you.
Here’s an example:
var CorsHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cors_handler");
// Will only accept GET requests from origin "vertx.io"
router.route().handler(function (routingContext) {
// Your app handlers
TODO more CORS docs
Vert.x-Web includes dynamic page generation capabilities by including out of the box support for several popular template engines. You can also easily add your own.
Template engines are described by TemplateEngine
. In order to render a template
is used.
The simplest way to use templates is not to call the template engine directly but to use the
This handler calls the template engine for you based on the path in the HTTP request.
By default the template handler will look for templates in a directory called templates
. This can be configured.
The handler will return the results of rendering with a content type of text/html
by default. This can also be configured.
When you create the template handler you pass in an instance of the template engine you want. Template engines are not embedded in vertx-web so, you need to configure your project to access them. Configuration is provided for each template engine.
Here are some examples:
var HandlebarsTemplateEngine = require("vertx-web-js/handlebars_template_engine");
var TemplateHandler = require("vertx-web-js/template_handler");
var engine = HandlebarsTemplateEngine.create();
var handler = TemplateHandler.create(engine);
// This will route all GET requests starting with /dynamic/ to the template handler
// E.g. /dynamic/graph.hbs will look for a template in /templates/dynamic/graph.hbs
// Route all GET requests for resource ending in .hbs to the template handler
To use MVEL, you need to add the following dependency to your project:
. Create an instance of the MVEL template engine using:
When using the MVEL template engine, it will by default look for
templates with the .templ
extension if no extension is specified in the file name.
The routing context RoutingContext
is available
in the MVEL template as the context
variable, this means you can render the template based on anything in the context
including the request, response, session or context data.
Here are some examples:
The request path is @{context.request().path()} The variable 'foo' from the session is @{context.session().get('foo')} The value 'bar' from the context data is @{context.get('bar')}
Please consult the MVEL templates documentation for how to write MVEL templates.
To use the Jade template engine, you need to add the following dependency to your project:
. Create an instance of the Jade template engine using:
When using the Jade template engine, it will by default look for
templates with the .jade
extension if no extension is specified in the file name.
The routing context RoutingContext
is available
in the Jade template as the context
variable, this means you can render the template based on anything in the context
including the request, response, session or context data.
Here are some examples:
!!! 5 html head title= context.get('foo') + context.request().path() body
Please consult the Jade4j documentation for how to write Jade templates.
To use Handlebars, you need to add the following dependency to your project:
. Create an instance of the Handlebars template engine
using: io.vertx.ext.web.templ.HandlebarsTemplateEngine#create()
When using the Handlebars template engine, it will by default look for
templates with the .hbs
extension if no extension is specified in the file name.
Handlebars templates are not able to call arbitrary methods in objects so we can’t just pass the routing context into the template and let the template introspect it like we can with other template engines.
Instead, the context data
is available in the template.
If you want to have access to other data like the request path, request params or session data you should add it the context data in a handler before the template handler. For example:
var TemplateHandler = require("vertx-web-js/template_handler");
var handler = TemplateHandler.create(engine);
router.get("/dynamic").handler(function (routingContext) {
routingContext.put("request_path", routingContext.request().path());
routingContext.put("session_data", routingContext.session().data());
Please consult the Handlebars Java port documentation for how to write handlebars templates.
To use Thymeleaf, you need to add the following dependency to your project:
. Create an instance of the Thymeleaf template engine
using: io.vertx.ext.web.templ.ThymeleafTemplateEngine#create()
When using the Thymeleaf template engine, it will by default look for
templates with the .html
extension if no extension is specified in the file name.
The routing context RoutingContext
is available
in the Thymeleaf template as the context
variable, this means you can render the template based on anything in the context
including the request, response, session or context data.
Here are some examples:
[snip] <p th:text="${context.get('foo')}"></p> <p th:text="${context.get('bar')}"></p> <p th:text="${context.normalisedPath()}"></p> <p th:text="${context.request().params().get('param1')}"></p> <p th:text="${context.request().params().get('param2')}"></p> [snip]
Please consult the Thymeleaf documentation for how to write Thymeleaf templates.
You can render your own errors using a template handler or otherwise but Vert.x-Web also includes an out of the boxy "pretty" error handler that can render error pages for you.
The handler is ErrorHandler
. To use the error handler just set it as a
failure handler for any paths that you want covered.
Vert.x-Web includes a handler LoggerHandler
that you can use to log HTTP requests.
By default requests are logged to the Vert.x logger which can be configured to use JUL logging, log4j or SLF4J.
See LoggerFormat
Vert.x-Web includes the handler FaviconHandler
especially for serving favicons.
Favicons can be specified using a path to the filesystem, or by default Vert.x-Web will look for a file on the classpath
with the name favicon.ico
. This means you bundle the favicon in the jar of your application.
Vert.x-Web includes a timeout handler that you can use to timeout requests if they take too long to process.
This is configured using an instance of TimeoutHandler
If a request times out before the response is written a 408
response will be returned to the client.
Here’s an example of using a timeout handler which will timeout all requests to paths starting with /foo
after 5
var TimeoutHandler = require("vertx-web-js/timeout_handler");
This handler sets the header x-response-time
response header containing the time from when the request was received
to when the response headers were written, in ms., e.g.:
x-response-time: 1456ms
SockJS is a client side JavaScript library and protocol which provides a simple WebSocket-like interface allowing you to make connections to SockJS servers irrespective of whether the actual browser or network will allow real WebSockets.
It does this by supporting various different transports between browser and server, and choosing one at run-time according to browser and network capabilities.
All this is transparent to you - you are simply presented with the WebSocket-like interface which just works.
Please see the SockJS website for more information on SockJS.
Vert.x provides an out of the box handler called SockJSHandler
using SockJS in your Vert.x-Web applications.
You should create one handler per SockJS application using SockJSHandler.create
You can also specify configuration options when creating the instance. The configuration options are described with
an instance of SockJSHandlerOptions
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var SockJSHandler = require("vertx-web-js/sock_js_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
var options = {
"heartbeatInterval" : 2000
var sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx, options);
On the server-side you set a handler on the SockJS handler, and this will be called every time a SockJS connection is made from a client:
The object passed into the handler is a SockJSSocket
. This has a familiar
socket-like interface which you can read and write to similarly to a NetSocket
a WebSocket
. It also implements ReadStream
so you can pump it to and from other read and write streams.
Here’s an example of a simple SockJS handler that simply echoes back any back any data that it reads:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var SockJSHandler = require("vertx-web-js/sock_js_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
var options = {
"heartbeatInterval" : 2000
var sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx, options);
sockJSHandler.socketHandler(function (sockJSSocket) {
// Just echo the data back
In client side JavaScript you use the SockJS client side library to make connections.
Full details for using the SockJS JavaScript client are on the SockJS website, but in summary you use it something like this:
var sock = new SockJS('http://mydomain.com/myapp'); sock.onopen = function() { console.log('open'); }; sock.onmessage = function(e) { console.log('message', e.data); }; sock.onclose = function() { console.log('close'); }; sock.send('test'); sock.close();
The handler can be configured with various options using SockJSHandlerOptions
Insert a JSESSIONID cookie so load-balancers ensure requests for a specific SockJS session are always routed to the correct server. Default is
. sessionTimeout
The server sends a
event when a client receiving connection have not been seen for a while. This delay is configured by this setting. By default theclose
event will be emitted when a receiving connection wasn’t seen for 5 seconds. heartbeatInterval
In order to keep proxies and load balancers from closing long running http requests we need to pretend that the connection is active and send a heartbeat packet once in a while. This setting controls how often this is done. By default a heartbeat packet is sent every 25 seconds.
Most streaming transports save responses on the client side and don’t free memory used by delivered messages. Such transports need to be garbage-collected once in a while.
sets a minimum number of bytes that can be send over a single http streaming request before it will be closed. After that client needs to open new request. Setting this value to one effectively disables streaming and will make streaming transports to behave like polling transports. The default value is 128K. libraryURL
Transports which don’t support cross-domain communication natively ('eventsource' to name one) use an iframe trick. A simple page is served from the SockJS server (using its foreign domain) and is placed in an invisible iframe. Code run from this iframe doesn’t need to worry about cross-domain issues, as it’s being run from domain local to the SockJS server. This iframe also does need to load SockJS javascript client library, and this option lets you specify its url (if you’re unsure, point it to the latest minified SockJS client release, this is the default). The default value is
This is a list of transports that you want to disable. Possible values are WEBSOCKET, EVENT_SOURCE, HTML_FILE, JSON_P, XHR.
Vert.x-Web comes with a built-in SockJS socket handler called the event bus bridge which effectively extends the server-side Vert.x event bus into client side JavaScript.
This creates a distributed event bus which not only spans multiple Vert.x instances on the server side, but includes client side JavaScript running in browsers.
We can therefore create a huge distributed bus encompassing many browsers and servers. The browsers don’t have to be connected to the same server as long as the servers are connected.
This is done by providing a simple client side JavaScript library called vertxbus.js
which provides an API
very similar to the server-side Vert.x event-bus API, which allows you to send and publish messages to the event bus
and register handlers to receive messages.
This JavaScript library uses the JavaScript SockJS client to tunnel the event bus traffic over SockJS connections
terminating at at a SockJSHandler
on the server-side.
A special SockJS socket handler is then installed on the SockJSHandler
handles the SockJS data and bridges it to and from the server side event bus.
To activate the bridge you simply call
on the
SockJS handler.
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var SockJSHandler = require("vertx-web-js/sock_js_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
var sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx);
var options = {
In client side JavaScript you use the 'vertxbus.js` library to create connections to the event bus and to send and receive messages:
<script src="http://cdn.sockjs.org/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js"></script> <script src='vertxbus.js'></script> <script> var eb = new vertx.EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus'); eb.onopen = function() { // set a handler to receive a message eb.registerHandler('some-address', function(message) { console.log('received a message: ' + JSON.stringify(message); }); // send a message eb.send('some-address', {name: 'tim', age: 587}); } </script>
The first thing the example does is to create a instance of the event bus
var eb = new vertx.EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus');
The parameter to the constructor is the URI where to connect to the event bus. Since we create our bridge with
the prefix eventbus
we will connect there.
You can’t actually do anything with the connection until it is opened. When it is open the onopen
handler will be called.
If you started a bridge like in the above example without securing it, and attempted to send messages through it you’d find that the messages mysteriously disappeared. What happened to them?
For most applications you probably don’t want client side JavaScript being able to send just any message to any handlers on the server side or to all other browsers.
For example, you may have a service on the event bus which allows data to be accessed or deleted. We don’t want badly behaved or malicious clients being able to delete all the data in your database!
Also, we don’t necessarily want any client to be able to listen in on any event bus address.
To deal with this, a SockJS bridge will by default refuse to let through any messages. It’s up to you to tell the bridge what messages are ok for it to pass through. (There is an exception for reply messages which are always allowed through).
In other words the bridge acts like a kind of firewall which has a default deny-all policy.
Configuring the bridge to tell it what messages it should pass through is easy.
You can specify which matches you want to allow for inbound and outbound traffic using the
that you pass in when calling bridge.
Each match is a PermittedOptions
This represents the exact address the message is being sent to. If you want to allow messages based on an exact address you use this field.
This is a regular expression that will be matched against the address. If you want to allow messages based on a regular expression you use this field. If the
field is specified this field will be ignored. match
This allows you to allow messages based on their structure. Any fields in the match must exist in the message with the same values for them to be allowed. This currently only works with JSON messages.
If a message is in-bound (i.e. being sent from client side JavaScript to the server) when it is received Vert.x-Web will look through any inbound permitted matches. If any match, it will be allowed through.
If a message is out-bound (i.e. being sent from the server to client side JavaScript) before it is sent to the client Vert.x-Web will look through any inbound permitted matches. If any match, it will be allowed through.
The actual matching works as follows:
If an address
field has been specified then the address
must match exactly with the address of the message
for it to be considered matched.
If an address
field has not been specified and an addressRegex
field has been specified then the regular expression
in address_re
must match with the address of the message for it to be considered matched.
If a match
field has been specified, then also the structure of the message must match. Structuring matching works
by looking at all the fields and values in the match object and checking they all exist in the actual message body.
Here’s an example:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var SockJSHandler = require("vertx-web-js/sock_js_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
var sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx);
// Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderMgr' from the client
var inboundPermitted1 = {
"address" : "demo.orderMgr"
// Allow calls to the address 'demo.persistor' from the client as long as the messages
// have an action field with value 'find' and a collection field with value
// 'albums'
var inboundPermitted2 = {
"address" : "demo.persistor",
"match" : {
"action" : "find",
"collection" : "albums"
// Allow through any message with a field `wibble` with value `foo`.
var inboundPermitted3 = {
"match" : {
"wibble" : "foo"
// First let's define what we're going to allow from server -> client
// Let through any messages coming from address 'ticker.mystock'
var outboundPermitted1 = {
"address" : "ticker.mystock"
// Let through any messages from addresses starting with "news." (e.g. news.europe, news.usa, etc)
var outboundPermitted2 = {
"addressRegex" : "news\\..+"
// Let's define what we're going to allow from client -> server
var options = {
"inboundPermitteds" : [
"outboundPermitteds" : [
The event bus bridge can also be configured to use the Vert.x-Web authorisation functionality to require authorisation for messages, either in-bound or out-bound on the bridge.
To do this, you can add extra fields to the match described in the previous section that determine what authority is required for the match.
To declare that a specific authority for the logged-in user is required in order to access allow the messages you use the
Here’s an example:
// Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderService' from the client
var inboundPermitted = {
"address" : "demo.orderService"
// But only if the user is logged in and has the authority "place_orders"
inboundPermitted.requiredAuthority = "place_orders";
var options = {
"inboundPermitteds" : [
For the user to be authorised they must be first logged in and secondly have the required authority.
To handle the login and actually auth you can configure the normal Vert.x auth handlers. For example:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var SockJSHandler = require("vertx-web-js/sock_js_handler");
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
var LocalSessionStore = require("vertx-web-js/local_session_store");
var SessionHandler = require("vertx-web-js/session_handler");
var BasicAuthHandler = require("vertx-web-js/basic_auth_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
// Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderService' from the client
var inboundPermitted = {
"address" : "demo.orderService"
// But only if the user is logged in and has the authority "place_orders"
inboundPermitted.requiredAuthority = "place_orders";
var sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx);
"inboundPermitteds" : [
// Now set up some basic auth handling:
var basicAuthHandler = BasicAuthHandler.create(authProvider);
If you want to be notified when an event occurs on the bridge you can provide a handler when calling
Whenever an event occurs on the bridge it will be passed to the handler. The event is described by an instance of
The event can be one of the following types:
This event will occur when a new SockJS socket is created.
This event will occur when a SockJS socket is closed.
This event will occur when a message is attempted to be sent from the client to the server.
This event will occur when a message is attempted to be published from the client to the server.
This event will occur when a message is attempted to be delivered from the server to the client. REGISTER. This event will occur when a client attempts to register a handler. UNREGISTER. This event will occur when a client attempts to unregister a handler.
The event enables you to retrieve the type using type
inspect the raw message of the event using rawMessage
The raw message is a JSON object with the following structure:
{ "type": "send"|"publish"|"receive"|"register"|"unregister", "address": the event bus address being sent/published/registered/unregistered "body": the body of the message }
The event is also an instance of Future
. When you are finished handling the event you can
complete the future with true
to enable further processing.
If you don’t want the event to be processed you can complete the future with false
. This is a useful feature that
enables you to do your own filtering on messages passing through the bridge, or perhaps apply some fine grained
authorisation or metrics.
Here’s an example where we reject all messages flowing through the bridge if they contain the word "Armadillos".
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var SockJSHandler = require("vertx-web-js/sock_js_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
// Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderMgr' from the client
var inboundPermitted = {
"address" : "demo.someService"
var sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx);
var options = {
"inboundPermitteds" : [
sockJSHandler.bridge(options, function (be) {
if (be.type() === 'PUBLISH' || be.type() === 'RECEIVE') {
if (be.rawMessage().body == "armadillos") {
// Reject it
You can also amend the raw message, e.g. change the body. For messages that are flowing in from the client you can also add headers to the message, here’s an example:
var Router = require("vertx-web-js/router");
var SockJSHandler = require("vertx-web-js/sock_js_handler");
var router = Router.router(vertx);
// Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderService' from the client
var inboundPermitted = {
"address" : "demo.orderService"
var sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx);
var options = {
"inboundPermitteds" : [
sockJSHandler.bridge(options, function (be) {
if (be.type() === 'PUBLISH' || be.type() === 'SEND') {
// Add some headers
var headers = {
"header1" : "val",
"header2" : "val2"
be.rawMessage().headers = headers;
CSRF or sometimes also known as XSRF is a technique by which an unauthorized site can gain your user’s private data.
Vert.x-Web includes a handler CSRFHandler
that you can use to prevent cross site
request forgery requests.
On each get request under this handler a cookie is added to the response with a unique token. Clients are then expected to return this token back in a header. Since cookies are sent it is required that the cookie handler is also present on the router.
var CookieHandler = require("vertx-web-js/cookie_handler");
var CSRFHandler = require("vertx-web-js/csrf_handler");
router.route().handler(function (rc) {
The Virtual Host Handler will verify the request hostname and if it matches it will send the request to the registered handler, otherwise will continue inside the normal handlers chain.
Request are checked against the Host
header to a match and patterns allow the usage of wildcards, as for
or fully domain names as www.vertx.io
var VirtualHostHandler = require("vertx-web-js/virtual_host_handler");
router.route().handler(VirtualHostHandler.create("*.vertx.io", function (routingContext) {
// do something if the request is for *.vertx.io