Clone this repository and fetch submodules with:
git clone --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install VIVA requirements:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install default-jre default-jdk ffmpeg
cd viva
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy an mp4 video into the data/ directory
- Create the output/ directory in VIVA's root directory with:
mkdir output
- Run
python3 [-h] [--logging [LOGGING]] [--cache] [--ingestwarmup] [--selectivityfraction SELECTIVITYFRACTION]
[--selectivityrandom] [--costminmax {min,max}] [--f1thresh F1THRESH] [--opttarget {performance,cost,dollar}]
[--query {angrybernie,dunk,amsterdamdock,deepface,debug}] --canary CANARY [--logname LOGNAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--logging [LOGGING], -l [LOGGING]
Do logging (optionally supply suffix for logfile name)
--cache, -C Enable caching and potential reuse of results
--ingestwarmup, -w Perform ingest (transcoding) warmup
Fraction of frames to estimate selectivity over (Default: 0). 0 to disable estimating.
--selectivityrandom, -r
Estimate selectivity by randomly choosing the fraction of frames. Not setting will do fixed rate.
--costminmax {min,max}, -e {min,max}
Select plan based on min/max cost (Default: min)
--f1thresh F1THRESH, -f F1THRESH
F1 threshold (Default: 0.8)
--opttarget {performance,cost,dollar}, -o {performance,cost,dollar}
Plan optimization target (Default: performance)
--query {angrybernie,dunk,amsterdamdock,deepface,debug}, -q {angrybernie,dunk,amsterdamdock,deepface,debug}
Query to run (Default: angrybernie)
--canary CANARY Canary input video to find database key.
--logname LOGNAME
If you find VIVA and/or Relational Hints useful in your work, please cite:
title={Optimizing Video Analytics with Declarative Model Relationships},
author={Francisco Romero and Johann Hauswald and Aditi Partap and Daniel Kang
and Matei Zaharia and Christos Kozyrakis},