blenderseed is an appleseed plugin for Blender 2.79 and later.
blenderseed includes support for the following features of appleseed:
- Pinhole, thin lens (supports physically correct depth of field), and spherical camera models
- Camera, transformation and deformation motion blur
- Particle / instance motion blur
- Instancing (dupliverts / duplifaces)
- BSDF materials
- OSL shading
- Normal / bump mapping
- Alpha mapping
- Mesh lights
- Point, directional, and sun lights
- Spot lights (supports textures)
- Physical sun/sky
- Gradient, constant, mirror ball map and latitude-longitude map environment models
blenderseed also supports:
- Node-based OSL material creation (with Blender's node editor)
- Export to appleseed scene files or rendering within Blender's image editor
- Selective geometry export (for faster re-export and re-rendering of scenes)
- Material preview rendering
appleseed and its accompanying software is released under the MIT license.
© 2010-2018 The appleseedhq Organization