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This directory contains a growing number (currently 153) of standalone example projects, including live online versions, build instructions and commented source code.

If you want to contribute an example, please get in touch via PR, issue tracker, email or twitter!

# Screenshot Name Description
001 adaptive-threshold Interactive image processing (adaptive threshold)
002 ascii-raymarch ASCII art raymarching with &
003 async-effect Minimal demo using interceptors with an async side effect
004 big-font Large ASCII font text generator using
005 bitmap-font Figlet-style bitmap font creation with transducers
006 blurhash Interactive & reactive image blurhash generator
007 boid-basics Basic 2D boid simulation and spatial indexing neighbor lookups
008 canvas-dial Canvas based dial widget
009 canvas-recorder Self-modifying, animated typographic grid with emergent complex patterns
010 cellular-automata 2D transducer based cellular automata
011 color-themes Probabilistic color theme generator
012 commit-heatmap Heatmap visualization of this mono-repo's commits
013 commit-table-ssr Filterable commit log UI w/ minimal server to provide commit history
014 crypto-chart Basic crypto-currency candle chart with multiple moving averages plots
015 devcards BMI calculator in a devcards format
016 dominant-colors Color palette generation via dominant color extraction from uploaded images
017 ellipse-proximity Interactive visualization of closest points on ellipses
018 fft-synth Interactive inverse FFT toy synth
019 fiber-basics Fiber-based cooperative multitasking basics
020 geom-convex-hull Convex hull & shape clipping of 2D polygons
021 geom-fuzz-basics geom-fuzz basic shape & fill examples
022 geom-knn Doodle w/ K-nearest neighbor search result visualization
023 geom-knn-hash K-nearest neighbor search in an hash grid
024 geom-sdf-logo (Re)Constructing the logo using a 2D signed-distance field
025 geom-terrain-viz 2.5D hidden line visualization of digital elevation files (DEM)
026 geom-tessel Animated, recursive polygon tessellations
027 geom-voronoi-mst Poisson-disk shape-aware sampling, Voronoi & Minimum Spanning Tree visualization
028 gesture-analysis Mouse gesture / stroke analysis, simplification, corner detection
029 grid-iterators Visualization of different grid iterator strategies
030 hdom-basics Minimal hdom usage example
031 hdom-benchmark hdom update performance benchmark (old version)
032 hdom-benchmark2 hdom update performance benchmark w/ config options
033 hdom-canvas-clock Realtime analog clock demo
034 hdom-canvas-draw Interactive pattern drawing demo using transducers
035 hdom-canvas-particles 2D Bezier curve-guided particle system
036 hdom-canvas-shapes Various hdom-canvas shape drawing examples & SVG conversion / export
037 hdom-dropdown Custom dropdown UI component for hdom
038 hdom-dropdown-fuzzy Custom dropdown UI component w/ fuzzy search
039 hdom-dyn-context Using custom hdom context for dynamic UI theming
040 hdom-elm Using hdom in an Elm-like manner
041 hdom-inner-html Higher-order component for rendering HTML strings
042 hdom-local-render Isolated, component-local DOM updates
043 hdom-localstate UI component w/ local state stored in hdom context
044 hdom-skip Skipping UI updates for selected component(s)
045 hdom-skip-nested Skipping UI updates for nested component(s)
046 hdom-theme Example for themed components proposal
047 hdom-toggle Customizable slide toggle component demo
048 hdom-vscroller Virtual scroller component for large tables / lists
049 hiccup-canvas-arcs Animated arcs & drawing using hiccup-canvas
050 hiccup-canvas-basics Basic hiccup-based canvas drawing
051 hiccup-css-image-transition Generating pure CSS image transitions
052 hydrate-basics Hiccup / hdom DOM hydration example
053 ifs-fractal Barnsley fern IFS fractal renderer
054 imgui Canvas based Immediate Mode GUI components
055 imgui-basics Minimal IMGUI usage example
056 interceptor-basics Event handling w/ interceptors and side effects
057 interceptor-basics2 Event handling w/ interceptors and side effects
058 iso-plasma Animated sine plasma effect visualized using contour lines
059 json-components Transforming JSON into UI components
060 kmeans-viz k-means clustering visualization
061 layout-gridgen Randomized space-filling, nested grid layout generator
062 lispy-repl Browser REPL for a Lispy S-expression based mini language
063 login-form Basic SPA example with atom-based UI router
064 mandelbrot Worker based, interactive Mandelbrot visualization
065 markdown Markdown to Hiccup to HTML parser / transformer
066 mastodon-feed Mastodon API feed reader with support for different media types, fullscreen media modal, HTML rewriting
067 meta-css-basics Basic usage & testbed
068 multitouch Basic rstream-gestures multi-touch demo
069 package-stats CLI util to visualize umbrella pkg stats
070 parse-playground Parser grammar livecoding editor/playground & codegen
071 pixel-basics Pixel buffer manipulations
072 pixel-colormatrix Matrix-based image color adjustments
073 pixel-dither Showcase of various dithering algorithms
074 pixel-gradients Randomized 4-point 2D color gradient image generator
075 pixel-indexed Image dithering and remapping using indexed palettes
076 pixel-normal-map Normal map creation/conversion basics
077 pixel-sorting Interactive pixel sorting tool using &
078 pixel-waveform RGB waveform image analysis
079 pointfree-geom Live coding playground for 2D geometry generation using
080 pointfree-svg Generate SVG using pointfree DSL
081 poisson-circles 2D Poisson-disc sampler with procedural gradient map
082 poly-spline Polygon to cubic curve conversion & visualization
083 poly-subdiv Animated, iterative polygon subdivisions & visualization
084 porter-duff Port-Duff image compositing / alpha blending
085 procedural-text Procedural stochastic text generation via custom DSL, parse grammar & AST transformation
086 quasi-lattice Quasi-random lattice generator
087 ramp-synth Unison wavetable synth with waveform editor
088 rasterize-blend Steering behavior drawing with alpha-blended shapes
089 rdom-basics Demonstates various rdom usage patterns
090 rdom-canvas-basics Minimal rdom-canvas animation
091 rdom-delayed-update Dynamically loaded images w/ preloader state
092 rdom-dnd rdom drag & drop example
093 rdom-formgen Basic usage of the declarative rdom-forms generator
094 rdom-key-sequences rstream & transducer-based FSM for converting key event sequences into high-level commands
095 rdom-lazy-load Lazy loading components via
096 rdom-lissajous rdom & hiccup-canvas interop test
097 rdom-search-docs Full umbrella repo doc string search w/ paginated results
098 rdom-svg-nodes rdom powered SVG graph with draggable nodes
099 rdom-web-components Defining & using basic Web Components (with shadow DOM) via &
100 related-images Responsive image gallery with tag-based Jaccard similarity ranking
101 render-audio Generative audio synth offline renderer and WAV file export
102 rotating-voronoi Animated Voronoi diagram, cubic splines & SVG download
103 router-basics Complete mini SPA app w/ router & async content loading
104 rstream-dataflow Minimal rstream dataflow graph
105 rstream-event-loop Minimal demo of using rstream constructs to form an interceptor-style event loop
106 rstream-grid Interactive grid generator, SVG generation & export, undo/redo support
107 rstream-hdom rstream based UI updates & state handling
108 rstream-spreadsheet rstream based spreadsheet w/ S-expression formula DSL
109 rstream-sync Minimal rstream sync() example using rdom
110 scenegraph 2D scenegraph & shape picking
111 scenegraph-image 2D scenegraph & image map based geometry manipulation
112 shader-ast-canvas2d 2D canvas shader emulation
113 shader-ast-easings Shader-AST meta-programming techniques for animated function plots
114 shader-ast-evo Evolutionary shader generation using genetic programming
115 shader-ast-noise HOF shader procedural noise function composition
116 shader-ast-raymarch WebGL & JS canvas2D raymarch shader cross-compilation
117 shader-ast-sdf2d WebGL & JS canvas 2D SDF
118 shader-ast-tunnel WebGL & Canvas2D textured tunnel shader
119 shader-ast-workers Fork-join worker-based raymarch renderer (JS/CPU only)
120 shader-graph Minimal shader graph developed during livestream #2
121 simd-plot Fitting, transforming & plotting 10k data points per frame using SIMD
122 soa-ecs Entity Component System w/ 100k 3D particles
123 spline-tangent Compute cubic spline position & tangent using Dual Numbers
124 stacked-layout Responsive & reactively computed stacked column layout
125 stratified-grid 2D Stratified grid sampling example
126 svg-barchart Simplistic SVG bar chart component
127 svg-particles Basic 2D particle system w/ SVG shapes
128 svg-resample SVG path parsing & dynamic resampling
129 svg-waveform Additive waveform synthesis & SVG visualization with undo/redo
130 talk-slides hdom based slide deck viewer & slides from my ClojureX 2018 keynote
131 text-canvas 3D wireframe textmode demo
132 text-canvas-image Textmode image warping w/ 16bit color output
133 todo-list Obligatory to-do list example with undo/redo
134 trace-bitmap Multi-layer vectorization & dithering of bitmap images
135 transducers-hdom Transducer & rstream based hdom UI updates
136 triple-query Triple store query results & sortable table
137 unbiased-normals Visual comparison of biased vs. unbiased normal vectors projected on the surface of a sphere
138 webgl-channel-mixer rdom & WebGL-based image channel editor
139 webgl-cube WebGL multi-colored cube mesh
140 webgl-cubemap WebGL cube maps with async texture loading
141 webgl-float-fbo Drawing to floating point offscreen / multi-pass shader pipeline
142 webgl-game-of-life Game of Life implemented as WebGL2 multi-pass shader pipeline
143 webgl-grid WebGL instancing, animated grid
144 webgl-msdf WebGL MSDF text rendering & particle system
145 webgl-multipass Minimal multi-pass / GPGPU example
146 webgl-shadertoy Shadertoy-like WebGL setup
147 webgl-ssao WebGL screenspace ambient occlusion
148 wolfram 1D Wolfram automata with OBJ point cloud export
149 xml-converter XML/HTML/SVG to hiccup/JS conversion
150 zig-canvas Zig-based DOM creation & canvas drawing app
151 zig-cellular Zig-based 2D multi-behavior cellular automata
152 zig-counter Simple Zig/WASM click counter DOM component
153 zig-todo-list Zig-based To-Do list, DOM creation, local storage task persistence