Monday 11 January 2021, 15:00 UTC
See separate attendance register
Florian Zaruba to reach out 1:1 to OpenHW Group members to see if anoyone would like to contribute/lead a project to develop a Hardware Abstraction Layer (both for software and hardware use).
Ivan Kravets and Duncan Bees to liaise about creating a prelminary project proposal for a CORE-V PlatformIO project.
Simon Davidmann, Alexander Fedorov and Ivan Kravets to work out how OVPSim for CORE-V can be included within Eclispse CDE and PlatformIO.
Jeremy Bennett to schedule time for a fuller discussion of models for use by software engineers at the next meeting.
Duncan Bees/Florian Zaruba to convene a tutorial 1 hour meeting on practical use of CI&T.
- Not yet started.
Mike Thompson to convene meeting for those interested in pure software platform models.
- Initial discussion held as part of TWG. Follow on meeting to be scheduled.
Jeremy Bennett to schedule time for a fuller discussion of a Hardware Abstraction Layer at the next meeting.
- see agenda item New potential projects.
The Chair and Duncan Bees reported back.
- models are needed for use by the software engineers, specifically in IDE. See agenda item Models for use by software engineers
Alexander Fedorov presented his report.
- need to get access to real hardware to set up environments
- in discussion with Tim Saxe about setting up an IDE for the Quicklogic CORE-V project
Jessica Mills presented her monthly report.
- noted that Embecosm effort is winding down, University of Bologna continues, but we still need around 5-6 months GCC expertise to complete the project.
- FSF agreement for University of Bologna is being driven by Giuseppe Tagliavini.
Shteryana Shopova presented her and Robert Balas's monthly report
Tim Saxe has also tested the FreeRTOS port independently. Both hit into problems with memory access and identified a bug in RTL. Now have a new bitstream, which works with bare metal "Hello World" application.
Currently working on configuring timer interrupts, but not yet working.
Needs help from someone with full Vivado license to generate bitstreams
- prebuilt bitstreams are very useful for the software team.
Robert Balas is cleaning up FreeRTOS code for CORE-V to remove PULP specific functionality.
Philipp Krones presented his and André Szintoff's monthly report
- Philipp now moving to new projects, will complete his current pull requests. Needs to find a reviewer with LLVM expertise.
Florian Zaruba introduced the concept of a hardware abstraction layer (HAL). Possibly something like Arm CMSIS or SiFive Freedom Metal. Something we can develop applications against and then run on different core and system incarnations.
Bare metal BSP. Should we be using the same BSP in verification as in real distribution.
Need to separate out a hardware abstraction layer from any "monitor", which may be part of the testing of the HAL.
Different meanings of HAL in different worlds. Hardware engineers use it to mean a standardized way of handling I/O registers.
Action: Florian Zaruba to reach out 1:1 to OpenHW Group members to see if anoyone would like to contribute/lead a project to develop a Hardware Abstraction Layer (both for software and hardware use).
Ivan Kravets and Valerii Koval demonstrated PlatformIO for CORE-V. Rick O'Conner reported that he had brought up the system over Christmas.
Action: Ivan Kravets and Duncan Bees to liaise about creating a prelminary project proposal for a CORE-V PlatformIO project.
This will be discussed in detail at the next meeting.
Simon Davidmann gave a brief summary of the Imperas OVPSim models and how they could be integrated with the IDE.
Action: Simon Davidmann, Alexander Fedorov and Ivan Kravets to work out how OVPSim for CORE-V can be included within Eclispse CDE and PlatformIO.
Action: Jeremy Bennett to schedule time for a fuller discussion of models for use by software engineers at the next meeting.
Deferred to a later meeting.
Deferred to a later meeting.
The task group meets monthly at 07:00 Pacific Time on the second Monday of the month.
- 08 Feb 2020
- 08 Mar 2020
- 12 Apr 2020
- 10 May 2020
- 14 Jun 2020
- 12 Jul 2020
- 09 Aug 2020
- 13 Sep 2020
- 11 Oct 2020
- 08 Nov 2020
- 13 Dec 2020
Jeremy Bennett, Chair
Yunhai Shang, Vice-Chair