- On Arch:
- pacman -S sdl2 sdl2_image
Day 0: Floating grass
- Move source to src
- Add third party imports folder
- Move sdl import to third_party
- Move resources to res
- Add textures using texture loading using IMG
4 hours a day Day 1:
- Load image of character and render
- Test Painters algorithm
- Clipping textures
- Move image around screen
- Load background and render
- Find sprite sheet
- Image should animate with sprite sheet
- It should move around
Day 2:
- Collision based on circles
- Enemies
- Random movement of enemies
Day 3:
- Background map
- Moving camera around image
- Move camera around when character moves
Day 4:
- ECS component system(Import BirchBox component)
Day 5:
- Tilemaps
- Tilemap collisions
Day 6:
- Integrate DearImgUI in a separate project
- Inventory
Day 7:
- Inventory stacking
- Inventory dropping
Day 8:
- Collision based on tilemaps
https://indiegamedev.net/2020/05/19/an-entity-component-system-with-data-locality-in-cpp/ https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/component.html