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Assignment Manager


🚀 Features

  • Manages submissions for assignments for any organization or institution with an interactive ui-ux.
  • Long Time saving of Assignments in Google Cloud using MongoDB as database with easy access and anytime updates.
  • Handles different backend and frontend dynamic routes in React , NodeJS and ExpressJS.
  • Saves different kind of file submissions using Multer.

👀 Preview

Live Link

Deployed at Heroku.

Landing Page Submission Page

📥 Installation

Use these commands and follow mentioned steps to get your web app ready with installation.

git clone<your-github-username>/Dev-Geeks.git
cd MERN/Assignment Manager
npm install
cd client
npm install

After installations, make a file .env in root directory(for this project) and add some env variables there.

  • First add PORT as port number other then 3000 to handle api requests in server.
  • Second add MONGO_URI which is the mongodb database link. Visit Mongo DB and sign up for the free API Key. Then go back to your Mongo DB account and must create a database cluster as your server for this application. Here is a guide on how to create
  • Third one is NODE_ENV which could be 'development' or 'production' based on your app status.

Then make another .env file in client directory and add one env variable there.

  • Add REACT_APP_PORT with same port number given in root directory to handle api requests in client.

To run your app use these commands.

cd ..
npm run dev

🎁 Contributing

If you find bugs with this project, pull requests are always welcome. You can create an issue here. Your ⭐ is also greatly appreciated.

Checkout other awesome projects on my GitHub : ShwetKhatri2001