Fork of
DarkFire01 / edk2-OMAP4
Forked from sonic011gamer/edk2-msm8909Not useful yet. Attempt to port EDK2.
RigoLigoRLC / reactos
Forked from reactos/reactosA free Windows-compatible Operating System
Hangover runs simple Win64 and Win32 applications on arm64 Linux
Source code for File Test - Interactive File System Test Tool
msm89x7-mainline / linux
Forked from msm8916-mainline/linuxLinux mainline kernel fork for various Qualcomm MSM8917/37/40 and QM215 devices
Keeping track of companies that "care about your data 🥺"
My xHCI work on ReactOS. Will be moved to a fork soon
Open Source Implementation of the Displib static library for developing WDDM drivers
Lanik123 / linux
Forked from msm8916-mainline/linuxLinux mainline kernel fork for MSM89(17/37/40) SoC
Mainline linux kernel for LG G5 aka h1 aka h850 aka Alice
Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (Intel® HAXM)
davidkaroly / haiku
Forked from haiku/haikuThe Haiku operating system. (Pull requests will be ignored; patches may be sent to
Neptune OS: A Windows NT personality for the seL4 microkernel
ReactOS-Longhorn-Initiative / reactos
Forked from reactos/reactosA free Windows-compatible Operating System
Open-source repository of Orbiter Space Flight Simulator
DarkFire01 / reactos
Forked from reactos/reactosA free Windows-compatible Operating System
Extravert-ir / reactos
Forked from reactos/reactosA free Windows-compatible Operating System
fourkbomb / linux
Forked from torvalds/linuxmainline(-ish) linux for smdk4412. rebased frequently.
Mainline Linux kernel for Moto G5s (montana), based on work by @Hacker1245, @flto and @alula.
binarymaster / reactos
Forked from reactos/reactosA free Windows-compatible Operating System
InstallFreeLDR ported to Linux. Useful for RAM disk creation.
ReactOS Website powered by the Hugo Static Site Generator