End-to-end testing environment for fully simulated chains, powered by Starship.
The current commands will read from config.yaml
to build a multi-chain teting environment. Currently, the image includes agoric
, osmosis
, and cosmos-hub
chains and a hermes relayer between each.
The agoric
software revision includes the vats necessary for building and testing orchestration applications:
- vat-network
- vat-ibc
- vat-localchain
- vat-transfer
- vat-orchestration
First, ensure you have Kubernetes available. See https://docs.cosmology.zone/starship/get-started/step-2.
The following will install kubectl
, kind
, helm
, and yq
as needed.
make clean setup
# install helm chart and start starship service
make install
# wait for all pods to spin up
watch kubectl get pods
Wait 10-12 minutes. It takes some time for the above to finish setting up. The watch command should show a table in which the STATUS of every pod is Running.
# expose ports on your local machine. useful for testing dapps
make port-forward
# set up Agoric testing environment
make fund-provision-pool override-chain-registry
If you get an error like "connection refused", you need to wait longer, until all the pods are Running.
# stop the containers and port-forwarding
make stop
# delete the clusters
make clean
You can use the following commmands to view logs:
# agoric slogfile
make tail-slog
# agoric validator logs
kubectl logs agoriclocal-genesis-0 --container=validator --follow
# relayer logs
kubectl logs hermes-agoric-gaia-0 --container=relayer --follow
kubectl logs hermes-osmosis-gaia-0 --container=relayer --follow
For the steps below, you must import a key to agd
or create a new one.
# create a `user1` key from a random seed
kubectl exec -i agoriclocal-genesis-0 -c validator -- agd keys add user1
# get the newly created address
ADDR=$(kubectl exec -i agoriclocal-genesis-0 -c validator -- agd keys show user1 -a)
# fund the wallet with some tokens
make fund-wallet COIN=20000000ubld ADDR=$ADDR
# provision the smart wallet
make provision-smart-wallet ADDR=$ADDR
These only work if you've done make port-forward
http://localhost:8081/chains/agoriclocal http://localhost:8081/chains/osmosislocal http://localhost:8081/chains/gaialocal http://localhost:8081/chains/agoriclocal/keys http://localhost:8081/ibc