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The PXF extension for GPDB

PXF is an extension framework that allows GPDB or any other database to query external distributed datasets. The framework is built in Java and provides built-in connectors for accessing data of various formats(text,sequence files, avro, orc,etc) that may exist inside HDFS files, Hive tables, HBase tables and many more stores. PXF consists of a server side JVM based component and a C client component which serves as the means for GPDB to interact with the PXF service. This module only includes the PXF C client and the build instructions only builds the client. Using the 'pxf' protocol with external table, GPDB can query external datasets via PXF service that runs alongside GPDB segments.


Enable PXF extension in GPDB build process.

Configure GPDB to build the pxf extension by adding the --with-pxf configure option. This is required to setup the PXF build environment.

Build the PXF extension


The build will produce the pxf client shared library named

Install the PXF extension

make install

This will copy the shared library into $GPHOME/lib/postgresql.

To create the PXF extension in the database, connect to the database and run as a GPDB superuser in psql:


Additional instructions on building and starting a GPDB cluster can be found in the top-level ("Build the database" section).

Install PXF Server

Please refer to PXF Development for instructions to setup PXF. You will need one PXF server agent per Segment host.

Create and use PXF external table

If you wish to simply test drive PXF extension without hitting any external data source, you can avoid starting any of the hadoop components (while installing the PXF Server) and simply use the Demo Profile.

The Demo profile demonstrates how GPDB using its segments can access static data served by the PXF service(s) in parallel.

# CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE pxf_read_test (a TEXT, b TEXT, c TEXT) \
LOCATION ('pxf://localhost:5888/tmp/dummy1' \
'?FRAGMENTER=org.greenplum.pxf.api.examples.DemoFragmenter' \
'&ACCESSOR=org.greenplum.pxf.api.examples.DemoAccessor' \
'&RESOLVER=org.greenplum.pxf.api.examples.DemoTextResolver') \
# SELECT * from pxf_read_test order by a;

       a        |   b    |   c
 fragment1 row1 | value1 | value2
 fragment1 row2 | value1 | value2
 fragment2 row1 | value1 | value2
 fragment2 row2 | value1 | value2
 fragment3 row1 | value1 | value2
 fragment3 row2 | value1 | value2
(6 rows)

If you wish to use PXF with Hadoop, you will need to integrate with Hdfs or Hive, you can refer to the above doc on steps to install them.

Run regression tests

make installcheck

This will connect to the running database, and run the regression tests located in the regress directory.

Measuring Coverage

  1. (Re-)Build the external table extension with gcc's `--coverage flag

    make clean
    make CFLAGS=--coverage
    make install
  2. Run some queries via psql

    • Define a readable or writable external table
    • Select from a readable table with and without projection and/or predicates
    • Insert into a writable table
  3. After exiting psql, you should find *.gcda and *.gcno files in the src/ directory

    $ ls -l src/*.gc*
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle  2796 Sep  2 14:47 src/gpdbwritableformatter.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle 36308 Sep  2 14:47 src/gpdbwritableformatter.gcno
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle  4672 Sep  2 14:47 src/libchurl.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle 44172 Sep  2 14:47 src/libchurl.gcno
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle   724 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfbridge.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle  5888 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfbridge.gcno
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle  3732 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxffilters.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle 42644 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxffilters.gcno
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle  1792 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfheaders.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle 19276 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfheaders.gcno
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle   984 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfprotocol.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle  9216 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfprotocol.gcno
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle  1576 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfuriparser.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle 15808 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfuriparser.gcno
    -rw------- 1 bboyle bboyle   772 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfutils.gcda
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bboyle bboyle  6980 Sep  2 14:47 src/pxfutils.gcno
  4. Generate an HTML report

    # macOS: brew install lcov
    # Debian/Ubuntu: apt install lcov
    lcov --no-external -d src -c -o
    genhtml --show-details --legend --output-directory=coverage --title=PXF --num-spaces=4 --prefix=src
  5. View the coverage report in ./coverage/index.html

  6. When you are done, re-build and re-install the extension without --coverage

    make clean
    make install