Create the AWS infrastructure to implement a very simple web server that when queried returns the server IP, client IP and a precise timestamp (second resolution).
It uses terraform 0.13 (web-server-demo/tf-code) to create the following infrastructure:
- public and private subnets
- external ALB, listener and listener rules (service port 80)
- target group
- ASG with launch config
- security groups for the external LB and the internal web server
- ssh bastion server with a EIP
The web server code (web-server-demo/web-server) is written in Python 3 and is a very simple threaded http server. When queried with a GET request (any path will do), it returns:
- requested path
- server IP and port
- Host header value
- client IP and port
- X-forwarded-for header
- X-forwarded-proto header