Flask-RestPlus provide syntaxic suger, helpers and automatically generated Swagger documentation on top of Flask-Restful.
Flask-RestPlus requires Python 2.7+.
You can install Flask-Restplus with pip:
$ pip install flask-restplus
or with easy_install:
$ easy_install flask-restplus
With Flask-Restplus, you only import the api instance to route and document your endpoints.
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.restplus import Api, Resource, fields
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app, version='1.0', title='Todo API',
description='A simple TODO API extracted from the original flask-restful example'
'todo1': {'task': 'build an API'},
'todo2': {'task': '?????'},
'todo3': {'task': 'profit!'},
todo_fields = api.model('Todo', {
'task': fields.String
def abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id):
if todo_id not in TODOS:
api.abort(404, "Todo {} doesn't exist".format(todo_id))
parser = api.parser()
parser.add_argument('task', type=str, required=True, help='The task details')
@api.doc(responses={404: 'Todo not found'}, params={'todo_id': 'The Todo ID'})
class Todo(Resource):
'''Show a single todo item and lets you delete them'''
@api.doc(notes='todo_id should be in {0}'.format(', '.join(TODOS.keys())), model=todo_fields)
def get(self, todo_id):
'''Fetch a given resource'''
return TODOS[todo_id]
def delete(self, todo_id):
'''Delete a given resource'''
del TODOS[todo_id]
return '', 204
@api.doc(parser=parser, model=todo_fields)
def put(self, todo_id):
'''Update a given resource'''
args = parser.parse_args()
task = {'task': args['task']}
TODOS[todo_id] = task
return task, 201
class TodoList(Resource):
'''Shows a list of all todos, and lets you POST to add new tasks'''
def get(self):
'''List all todos'''
return TODOS
@api.doc(parser=parser, model=todo_fields)
def post(self):
'''Ceate a todo'''
args = parser.parse_args()
todo_id = 'todo%d' % (len(TODOS) + 1)
TODOS[todo_id] = {'task': args['task']}
return TODOS[todo_id], 201
if __name__ == '__main__':
The documentation is hosted on Read the Docs