A set of utilities for collecting and displaying operational information from multiple Eucalyptus clouds.
A set of utilities for collecting and displaying operational information from multiple Eucalyptus clouds.
- Copy checkclouds.php to your PHP and jQuery capable web server cp checkclouds.php /var/www/html # or /var/www
- Install minimised jQuery 1.8.19 libraries to /jQuery in your web server. N.B. if you use a different version you may have to customise the included web pages.
- Install eutester from Eucalyptus github.
- Configure your crontab to run eutester according to the crontab example
- Visit checkclouds.php in your web browser
Cloud history is an set of python scripts that query EC2 api periodically and store the data to postgreSQL database for further analysis of past of the cloud
Expects RHEL/CENTOS6 [tested on rhel6.3 64b]
Create security group and keypair Modify the vars/euca-dw.yml to match your environment
Source your clouds credentials
Launch the playbook with command ansible-playbook -vvv --private-key=mykey.private cloudhistory-ec2.yml
use reemon for read only access to history db eemon to write access to historydb
allow the access to ports you have used for your security group for example like this:
euca-authorize -P icmp -t -1:-1 -s cloudhistdw
euca-authorize -P tcp -p 8443 -s cloudhistdw
euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 -s cloudhistdw
euca-authorize -P tcp -p 80 -s cloudhistdw
Access the data with browser using http://instanceaddress Or query the DB from outside with readonly user reemon
The code included was written by a subcontractor working for Nokia Siemens Networks and Nokia Solutions and Networks.
The majority of the code is released by Nokia Siemens Networks under the Apache license - please see APSL-2.0.txt included in the source distribution. For convenience certain small or trivial files (e.g. the crontab) are released to the public domain (or CC0 in jurisdictions where the public domain is not applicable - please see the file CC0-1.0.txt in the distribution).