Here you will find examples demonstrating Vert.x and Resteasy in action.
To use Vert.x Resteasy in your own Maven or Gradle project you will need following dependencies
Group ID: io.vertx Artifact ID: vertx-core
Group ID: org.jboss.resteasy Artifact ID: resteasy-vertx
The traditional hello world example. This one creates a server which just responds with "Hello World! to each request.
Run the server either in your IDE or on the command line, then open your browser and hit link:http://localhost:8080/ or link:http://localhost:8080/whatever
Unlike Vert.x, Resteasy is not async by default, but it is capable of handling non blocking async response, specially with Vert.x
Here’s a simple example which shows a Jax-RS controller using an async response awaiting replies from an event bus sent message.
The API allows you to list all products, retrieve details for a particular product and to add a new product.
Product information is provided in JSON.
- List all products
GET /products
- Get a product
GET /products/<product_id>
- Add a product
PUT /products/<product_id>
Run the server either in your IDE or on the command line, then open your browser and hit link:http://localhost:8080/