Cloudinary wrapper for Laravel 5
Initially forked from As it doesn't seem to be maintained anymore, and facing the lack of response from the original maitainer (issue opened + pull request opened, last commit on August last year), I decided to create a new fork that I plan on maintaining.
composer require jrm2k6/cloudder:0.2.*
For people still using Laravel 4.2: composer require jrm2k6/cloudder:0.1.*
and check the branch l4 for the installation instructions.
Modify your .env
file to add the following information from Cloudinary
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=`your cloud name`
Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JD\Cloudder\CloudderServiceProvider"
Add the following in config/app.php:
'providers' => array(
'aliases' => array(
'Cloudder' => 'JD\Cloudder\Facades\Cloudder'
Cloudder::upload($filename, $publicId, $options, $tags);
- filename: path to the image you want to upload
- publicId: the id you want your picture to have on Cloudinary, leave it null to have Cloudinary generate a random id.
- options: options for your uploaded image, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
- tags: tags for your image
returns the CloudinaryWrapper.
Cloudder::uploadVideo($filename, $publicId, $options, $tags);
- filename: path to the video you want to upload
- publicId: the id you want your video to have on Cloudinary, leave it null to have Cloudinary generate a random id.
- options: options for your uploaded video, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
- tags: tags for your image
returns the CloudinaryWrapper.
returns the public id of the last uploaded resource.
returns the result of the last uploaded resource
Cloudder::show($publicId, $options)
- publicId: public id of the resource to display
- options: options for your uploaded resource, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
returns the url of the picture on cloudinary
Cloudder::showPrivateUrl($publicId, $format, $options)
- publicId: public id of the resource to display
- format: format of the resource your want to display
- options: options for your uploaded resource, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
returns the private url of the picture on cloudinary, expiring by default after an hour.
Cloudder::rename($publicId, $toPublicId, $options)
- publicId: publicId of the resource to rename
- toPublicId: new public id of the resource
- options: options for your uploaded resource, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
renames the original picture with the toPublicId id.
Cloudder::destroyImage($publicId, $options)
Cloudder::delete($publicId, $options)
- publicId: publicId of the resource to rename
- options: options for your uploaded image, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
removes image from Cloudinary
Cloudder::destroyImages($publicIds, $options)
- publicIds: array of ids, identifying the pictures to remove
- options: options for the images to delete, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
removes images from Cloudinary
Cloudder::addTag($tag, $publicIds, $options)
- tag: tag to apply
- publicIds: images to apply tag to
- options: options for your uploaded resource, check the cloudinary documentation to know more
Cloudder::removeTag($tag, $publicIds, $options)
- tag: tag to remove
- publicIds: images to remoe tag from
- options: options for your uploaded image, check the cloudinary documentation to know more