A set of utility scripts for converting and working with AirMOSS data and retrievals using GDAL
A module to process LandSat8 Remote Sense Images. Features: NDBI NDVI NDWI calculation; LandSat8 BandMerge(GIS info reserved); Building Area Extraction; Water Area Extraction;
Lake and Water Body Retrieval from Landsat and Sentinel data
PyTorch implementation of UNet++ (Nested U-Net).
Pytorch implementation of U-Net, R2U-Net, Attention U-Net, and Attention R2U-Net.
😺 Pretty & simple image classifier app template. Deploy your own trained model or pre-trained model (VGG, ResNet, Densenet) to a web app using Flask in 10 minutes.
The project uses Unet-based improved networks to study Remote sensing image semantic segmentation, which is based on keras.
遥感图像的语义分割,分别使用Deeplab V3+(Xception 和mobilenet V2 backbone)和unet模型,keras+python
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springcloud学习的相关工程并辅以博文讲解。主要介绍Eureka(服务注册发现)、Feign (服务消费)、Ribbon(负载均衡)、Hystrix(熔断器)、Dashboard(熔断器监控)、Config(分布式配置中心)、Zuul(路由网关)等等相关内容。
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