#About Nepal Quake dashboard
This is a simple implementation of Shiny dashboard to explore the Nepal earthquake data. The earthquake data used here is NOT real-time. The data was downloaded from USGS (csv format) and can be updated by replacing the file in the data folder. To filter the quakes in the vicinity of Nepal, only the quakes within the bounding box of Nepal map are used.
Screenshot of app's dashboard page
You can try the app live at: https://asheshwor.shinyapps.io/np-quake. If this doesn't work it's probably the free server limit has been exceeded.
You can also run the app locally (if you have RStudio and Shiny installed) by using the following command.
shiny::runGitHub('np-quake', 'asheshwor')
I am not an earthquake expert. This is not at an attempt to predict aftershock events.
- shinydashboard
- leaflet
- dplyr
- scales
- ggplot2
Full source code is available from the following github repo: https://github.com/asheshwor/np-quake
Earthquake data: This app uses earthquake data from USGS http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/csv.php
Map data: The maps are generated using leaflet for R. Map tiles from Mapbox. Mapbox uses map data from Open Street Maps.