Video :
ELK is the combination of 3 open source products
- Elastic Search : It is used to store and process logs
- Logstash : It is used to collect application logs and store in Elastic Search
- Kibana : It will provide user interface to monitor application logs
Download ELK Softwares
- Elastic Search :
- Kibana :
- Logstash :
Extract all zip files
Run elasticsearch using elasticsearch.bat file (make sure all security settings disable in elasticsearch.yml before running)
$ elasticsearch.bat
Check Elastic Search Running or not (URL : http://localhost:9200/ )
Run kibana using kibana.bat file (before running kibana, enable elasticsearch url in kibana.yml file)
$ kibana.bat
Check Kibana running or not ( URL : http://localhost:5601/app/home )
Run Spring Boot Application and generate log file with log messages
create logstash.conf file like below
input {
file {
path => "C:/Users/ashok/classes/22-JRTP/workspace/SpringBoot_REST_API/app.log"
start_position => "beginning"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
- Run logstash server using below command
logstash -f logstash-sample.conf
Check logstash server is running or not ( http://localhost:9600 )
Check application logs in Kibana dashboard